Tall & Unique Girl - intro photo


相应的美图资源如下: TALL & UNIQUE GIRL - 2024年6月18日.


时长: 12:48



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-22069 221天前

Hell yes! I'm in love.

MEMBER-21372 220天前

That is a stunning pussy. Absolutely flawless! Cant wait to see her cervix!

MEMBER-6770 219天前

WOW!!!! Absolutely stunning!! Thanks so much!

MEMBER-24292 219天前

This video has a long patient scene of gaping from behind.
I love the girls holding their vaginas open and I appreciate that it is not always pleasant for them, especially under the bridge or out of town. Joana is great.
Love it. Love them.

MEMBER-25203 218天前

I also appreciate it when a model holds her pussy open for lengthy views. I found myself wishing that Sarah, whose pussy is awesome, would slow down and let us soak in the pinkness much as Joana and some others do. Fortunately the video player I use lets me slow things down when I want to - that's a great feature for use on a site such as this.

MEMBER-25881 218天前

Thanks PJGirls, it's a classic! Lovely Joana presents herself so nicely. It's a pleasure to look at her, what a cutie!

MEMBER-25981 218天前

Love the hairdo, exactly the sort of woman I find attractive, just a shame about the stupid tattoos.

MEMBER-25507 217天前

Joana is an amazing find: a natural cuntspreader who begins with a squatting spread and sustains opening her cunt beautifully from there. I can't wait to see more of her exposed cunthole in many future shoots!

MEMBER-25962 217天前

WOW !! Beautiful Girl with a Beautiful Cunt !! Would like to see more videos without the band around their waist Please Jiri

MEMBER-23787 212天前

Awesome Video! I especially enjoyed the last few minutes with the lovely Joana in the face down and ass up position while reaching back to gape her cunt wide open! She does a great job of holding her cunt open for a lengthy period of time so that we could fully appreciate her letting us gaze deep inside her love tunnel! I hope we can enjoy more of this gorgeous model spreading her cunt to the max!

MEMBER-26078 208天前

It is always nice to see a gaping cunt between a pair of sexy long legs. This girl is a good gaper. Only downside the awful tattoos.




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