Izzy On Two Chairs - intro photo


Izzy sits sideways across the two chairs in a coral colored top, displaying her luxurious legs beautifully. Swinging them towards us, we see that there is nothing blocking our view of her lovely pussy. Placing her buttocks between the gap of the chairs, she holds her pussy lips apart and then inserts a finger of each hand. This reminds us that our irresistible Izzy has one of the most flexible cunts on our web site - and that is saying something! The view from beneath the chairs, looking up into the rippled depths of Izzy's cunt, but with her beautiful smiling face above, is just sublime. As she squeezes her cunt muscles, her ass hole also winks at us. As Izzy remains all natural and blemish free, every single picture of this lovely lady is a pure delight. For the latter part of the video, Izzy moves to her knees, giving us a better view of her lovely ass, but still a fantastic view of her gaping pussy. Once more, we are so glad to have you back with us Izzy. Here's to many more shoots.... something tells me that NOBODY on this site will ever get bored of you.

相应的美图资源如下: IZZY ON TWO CHAIRS - 2024年4月16日.


时长: 12:47



扩张 阴道扩张 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-20414 246天前

Was für eine super Präsentation ❤️ ihrer herrlichen Möse, - bitte mehr davon! :-))) ❤️
What a great presentation ❤️ of her wonderful pussy - more of it please! :-))) ❤️

MEMBER-22206 246天前


MEMBER-14183 245天前

I love that cutie! Can't get enough of her amazing cunt. Do we get some views right inside, down to her cervix? Izzy was not shy in her older set and gave us some really graphic pictures of her gaping Fotzenloch.

MEMBER-7112 245天前

٩( ᐛ )و 可愛い子のぐちゃぐちゃおまんこ、大好き(^-^)

MEMBER-7112 245天前

@CLITLICKER , I agree with you. Lately, PJG shots were getting very soft or I should say, dull or less impact. We miss some tools and vivid cervix or peeing shots. We want real "Masters or gaping" Go! PJG!

MEMBER-25748 244天前

Nice! The WIDER the better!

MEMBER-25430 244天前

This is exactly what I needed. Izzy in my face, pussy wide open and giggling. Now *that* is a fantasy! Love everything about this woman. But there is something about her smile. I have no idea whether she loves modeling or hates it, but she manages a delightful and seductive smile throughout the sets. It really sets her apart from the models that seem to just suffer through the six minutes or so of required gaping. Please, I beg of you, keep bringing her back for more. Outdoor, gyno, 2 girl, fisting, anything...she's a perfect PJ model, and I will never get enough Izzy.

MEMBER-5552 242天前

@EAGERBEAVER somehow you are right. When I scroll through the past videos from some years ago, there was a bit more experimental variations and tools to open the pussy. Lately the scenes look all more or less a bit same in form of location (chairs, kitchen, couch) and filming and posing. Maybe its caused by a form of overdose and we are getting used to it... so perhaps we need some diversity, we are getting too spoiled ;) Also the girl/girl scenes have become ultra rare... hope it will get a bit more "back to the roots".

MEMBER-24890 241天前

I've been thinking the same thing lokolo123. When I first joined the site several years ago, videos were a lot more experimental - speculums, pussy cam, spreaders, whisk etc. Now it does feel very samey. We don't even seem to be seeing the speculum as much now. Don't get me wrong - the quality is still good but it's not as exciting as it once was. Models are great though - good to see Izzy back.

ADMIN 240天前

We are struggling with finding new girls and when we finally find one she's too tight. But bear with us, the endocam is fixed, Jiri wants to buy a new toy and we have some plans for the summer.




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