Panorama - intro photo


Tina looks delightful in her smart black vest top and checked skirt. Pulling her top down she shows us her well shaped boobs with puckered dark nipples. She squeezes her boobs for a few minutes before turning around to showcase her utterly perfect ass. Tina's bum is quite frankly a work of art. Firm, smooth, perfectly proportioned with an ass hole as neat as you could wish for. Yep, perfect! And so ladies and gentleman is her pussy.... neat but flexible, pink and lusciously moist, with walls that can be flexed inside to reveal a path all of the way down to her equally perfect cervix. I am in love! As Tina continue to hold herself open, Jiri zooms in for a closer look - in turn encouraging Tina to open wider with 4 fingers.....I love this teamwork :-) At 11.50, we combine a full zoomed macro with an open stretch to give the perfect shot... Tina still flexing her walls to let us gaze within. Moving to her front, Tina raises her ass to us whilst opening her cunt - joy! A superb video from a superb model - thank you!

相应的美图资源如下: PANORAMA - 2024年2月1日.


时长: 15:29



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-7112 385天前

待ってたぜ!久しぶりのTiny、いいねー(^-^) キレイな顔とデーっかいおまんこ。PJの丘<俺のコメント:>もキレイに盛り上がってる。Tinyはおまんこの奥の方を広げる動かし方が上手い。背景にニッコリの顔が可愛い。接写は中のお肉がグッチャグチャで大迫力。中から湿った空気が匂ってくるみたいだ。ところで兄弟サイトのLovewettingでおんなじ場所でTinyがドバーとすごい勢いでシッコしてるので登録しちゃった(^-^)JPモデルがいっぱいいてすごい勢いでジャージャーとしっこしてる。すごいな。Lovewettingのコメント読むと結構あっちのメンバーもオマンコの接写見たい人いっぱいいるみたいだから。コラボしたらいいのに。

I'm waiting for this! Long time no see, how nice,Tiny(^-^) Beautiful face and huge omanko. Her PJ Hill < >is beautifully poping up. Her omanko gaping skill for expanding inside is super. And I like her big smile behind spread omanko. The close up scene of lots of messy sex meats are so exciting. I almost smell her omanko inside moisture. BTW, I saw PJG's sister site "Lovewetting" and found Tiny pees with vast stream. Then I've subscribed(^-^) There are lots of PJG models who pee a lot. Worth to see. Reading the comments on Lovewetting, they also want to see omanko close ups. Why can't we collaborate each other?

MEMBER-22069 385天前

One of my favorite models to jack off to - Love to imagine running my tongue all over and inside her bits, and pumping a load deep inside her, then finally falling asleep blissfully in each other's arms. She is a beauty! Thanks for coming back.

MEMBER-23326 385天前

Definitely one of my all time favorite models! A beautiful woman! Wonderfully captured as always.

MEMBER-20414 385天前

Tiny - was für ein Ausblick,❤️ - was für ein Panorama,❤️ - wie herrlich und prachtvoll die weibliche Sexualität sein kann !! ❤️Wahrlich, der Name dieses Videos ist absolut gerechtfertigt ! :-))) ❤️Thanks Tiny & Jiri
Tiny - what a view,❤️ - what a panorama,❤️ - how wonderful and magnificent female sexuality can be!! ❤️Truly, the name of this video is absolutely justified! :-))) ❤️Thanks Tiny & Jiri

MEMBER-22633 380天前

If vagina gaping was an olympic discipline Tina would be a multiple gold medalist.

MEMBER-26385 187天前

Good obe




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