Quite Big Hole - intro photo


Our star of gaping, Luisa returns to our screens to remind us what a flexible friend she is! Relaxing on the bed, she caresses her lovely curves seductively before peeling down her down to show her cute, pierced boobs. Raising her skirt, we see she is bare beneath, her full labia contrasting with her oh so neat, pink ass hole. Leaning forwards, Luisa begins to stretch her cunt open revealing the veritable cave that her lips frame. When Jiri goes close up, you really feel there's be enough space to jump in and walk around! Some girls gape more easily on their knees. Luisa is clearly ambidextrous - her cavern opening just as wide whilst lying on her back as on her knees. The view as she flexes her cunt walls, bringing them clearly into sight is simply delicious. Welcome back Luisa!

相应的美图资源如下: QUITE BIG HOLE - 2024年1月11日.


时长: 12:30



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MEMBER-22633 420天前

Looks like her hole has seen quite a bit of traffic over the last two years. Great comeback.

MEMBER-7112 420天前

QUITE BIG HOLE(でかマンコちゃん)のタイトルがいいね。確かにでかい。それとビランビランの小陰唇、すごいね。プロらプスやったらすごそー。でも若いからすごい閉まるんだろうな。次のが楽しみ。

The title"QUITE BIG HOLE"is just for her. It's really huge. And labia minora are big flaps. Amazing:-) Her omanko prolapsing might be exciting. I think she is young enough to hold tight her hole. Can't wait for the next one.

MEMBER-25010 420天前

Hole while her back is awesome!

MEMBER-9213 420天前

Love the big black cavern gape especially when she can gape it that wide without putting fingers inside. We've been seeing some excellent candidates for 2 girl fisting videos, and Luisa is no exception to that list. It's been a while and perhaps it's time to revisit that genre of PJ filth. =D

MEMBER-17357 420天前

Love her hug meaty CUNTlips!!!

MEMBER-24826 420天前

A hot cunt presentation of one of the most beautiful women here on PJG. Luisa, you are exactly my cup of tea!

MEMBER-20414 419天前

Hallo Luisa, das ist aber toll dich im neuen Jahr bei PJG wieder begrüßen zu können! ❤️ Und - was für eine herrliche Mösen-Höhle du zwischen deinen Beinen hast, - fantastisch, - einfach ... WOW ! ❤️ Es wäre super von dir, wenn du uns als Model bei PJG weiterhin so wunderbar tiefe Einblicke gewähren würdest! ❤️ :-))) Thanks Luisa & Jiri
Hello Luisa, it's great to be able to greet you again at PJG in the new year! ❤️ And - what a wonderful pussy cave you have between your legs, - fantastic, - simply... WOW! ❤️ It would be great if you continued to give us such wonderfully deep insights as a model at PJG! ❤️ :-))) Thanks Luisa & Jiri

MEMBER-22069 419天前

I'd love to spend a long "French Kissing" session with her holes. I'd tongue her holes as deeply as I could get my tongue inside her..She is gorgeous and I love the wide gapes. Her asshole looks amazing. Total cum puller right there.

MEMBER-20414 419天前

Wunderbar - ❤️ und ihre ausgeprägten Schamlippen, - sind so herrlich anzuschauen❤️ wie sie den geilen "Mösen-Schlund" ❤️ umrahmen! :-))))
Wonderful - ❤️ and her pronounced labia - are so wonderful to look at ❤️ as they frame the hot "pussy throat" ❤️! :-))))

MEMBER-23787 394天前

I knew this video had to be special after viewing the photo gallery! It is even better than I anticipated! I'd love to see more of Luisa's widespread cunt!

MEMBER-24826 388天前

When will we see something from Luisa again? She is unsurpassable. When you've seen her, you know how truly exciting and mysterious the gaping hole of a beautiful woman is.

MEMBER-14183 374天前

Oh, hOw did I miss to cOmment On this quite big hOle of Luisa?
WelcOme back dear and thanks for shamelessly gaping your cunt for us! Much appreciated!

Oh, wie kOnnte ich es versäunen einen Kommentar zu Luisas riesigem LOch zu schreiben? WillkOmmen zurück, kleine MÖsenmaus und danke das du sO schamlOs deine FOtze vOr der Kamera aufreißt.




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