Inside Bellinda - intro photo


Well guys (and girls) it's getting near Christmas, so we thought we'd giver you one of our favorite models in one of the best video forms - our beautiful Belinda showing her yummy pussy.... cervix deep. Belinda starts the video naked, perched on the kitchen worktop. She stretches her cunt wide open to show the very interesting entrance to her pussy... complete with PJ Tongue! As she stretches, her entrance seems oh so tight... surely you wouldn't get anything sizable through there? Wrong... a few seconds later and someone has kindly inserted a clear speculum, giving us a great view to her pink and rose crested cervix. Belinda sighs and squeezes her firm boobs as she works the speculum in and out as a dildo. Her insides are already nice and creamy, but the extra stimulation causes her pussy to produce extra cream for lubrication. The view on macro, deep inside is superb. Imho, it gets even better when the speculum is turned 90' so that we can see her upper and lower walls unobstructed. The focus on her upper walls is utterly yummy.. with every ripple being in clear focus. We love Bellinda inside and out!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE BELLINDA - 2023年11月23日.


时长: 12:29



扩张 阴道扩张 子宫 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 紧致的 美穴 舌 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤



MEMBER-20414 496天前

Eine super Pussy-Performance Bellinda! Du hast eine sehr interessante Lusthöhle! ❤️ Wunderschöne Lippen, ❤️ eine spezielle Färbung der Cervix und tatsächlich zwei "PJ Pussy-Zungen" - eine Kleinere an der oberen Pussywulst und eine Größere an der unteren Scheidenwulst,❤️ dazu noch die querseitige Anwendung des Spekulums,- einfach wundervoll! :-)) ❤️ Thanks Bellinda & Jiri
A great pussy performance Bellinda! You have a very interesting pleasure cave! ❤️ Beautiful lips, ❤️ a special coloring of the cervix and actually two "PJ pussy tongues" - a smaller one on the upper pussy ridge and a larger one on the lower vaginal ridge, ❤️ plus the use of the speculum on the transverse side - simply wonderful! :-)) ❤️ Thanks Bellinda & Jiri

MEMBER-23326 496天前

Bellinda and her beautiful PJ tongues are simply captivating. Cannot get enough of this wonderful woman!

MEMBER-22522 496天前

The more speculum and pussycam videos - the better!

MEMBER-22394 496天前

AWESOME! Thank You! More speculum and cervix movies and pix please. Thank you again.

MEMBER-7112 495天前

うん、久しぶりに美人の変わった格好のオマンコ楽しませてもらったな。結構グチャグチャで細長いお肉が飛び出てぶら下がっている。これってMeg Rayチャン(AUGUST 11, 2017 VIDEO: SLIGHTLY PUBLIC)とおんなじで(この時のコメント楽しんだ)俺の好きな奴だ。上の尿道に近い方、思い切り引っ張ったら尿道がどうなるか見たいな。やってみよう!

Yes, this beauty's omanko is very enjoyably unusual shape. Very messy inside and long pink pinkies hanging down. These pinkies are also seen on Meg Rey(AUGUST 11, 2017 VIDEO: SLIGHTLY PUBLIC: I enjoyed the web discussions ) and I like them. I wanna see how her pee hole shape changes with pulling out one of the upper pinkie hard. Let's do it!

MEMBER-15717 494天前

Thank you for the speculum video

MEMBER-19885 486天前

Video ended just when it was getting good!




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