Deep Inspection - intro photo


We have been blessed with more videos of Claudia than any other model... but when a woman is this beautiful, it is just impossible to have too much of a good thing! In this video Claudia pulls down her stripy dress to show her pretty, natural breasts, before starting on the main event - this being a detailed and deep inspection of her gorgeous pussy. Beginning with fingers pressed deep inside, her naturally gaping cunt opens wide for us, showing her rich pink walls in perfect, glistening detail. If you don't feel you're getting close enough to said walls, Claudia clenches her muscles to bring her walls up to meet you! The close up views here are just superb. We did say that this is a deep pussy inspection though so - enter the speculum. With the clear bills pressed deep into Claudia's gorgeous cunt, we see every ripple in macro detail - try pausing or slow mo at around 14:25.. just wow! Utterly beautiful Claudia, as always!

相应的美图资源如下: DEEP INSPECTION - 2023年11月5日.


时长: 15:44



扩张 阴道扩张 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-24372 475天前

Would be kinda neat, instead of their pussies always being pristine and clean, if we could see some thick ovulation discharge.

MEMBER-23326 474天前

I agree with Matt - while all of the content on PJGIRLS is excellent - some natural ovulation or visible discharge is a hard to find fetish!!

MEMBER-7112 474天前


MEMBER-20414 474天前

❤️ Claudia ist Jiri's "Superwaffe" der weiblichen Erotik,❤️ - ein Premiummodel !! Sie steht mit ihrer ❤️Premium-Möse OFFEN und loyal zu PJG :-))) !! ❤️ SAGENHAFT! Thanks Claudia & Jiri
❤️ Claudia is Jiri's "superweapon" of female eroticism,❤️ - a premium model!! She is OPEN and loyal to PJG with her ❤️premium pussy :-)))!! ❤️ AMAZING! Thanks Claudia & Jiri

MEMBER-24456 474天前

I agree with Matt and George. Seeing discharge would be hot!

MEMBER-5552 473天前

I prefer clean pussys. No need for that very special kind of fetish.

Claudia is so good in pussy stretching, I love it when she pulls her inner lips like butterfly

MEMBER-19217 469天前

I agree with LOKOLO123 . If you like filthy nasty cunts, you're in the wrong place.

MEMBER-23326 469天前

Oh I'm in the right place! I like both presentations. There's nothing filthy and nasty about a woman's natural discharge to me.




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