Well Exposed - intro photo


Kristy sits atop the kitchen work surface in a knitted red dress. She caresses her ample thighs and then moves to her full breasts, which she squeezes through her dress. When it comes to boobs, bare is better and Kristy obliges, pulling her dress down whilst continuing to stroke her luscious, soft, natural tit flesh. Her natural boobs really are a delight and Kristy carries on playing with them whilst stroking her pussy. Hopping down from the counter, Kristy leans forwards to expose her full ass - which she parts to let us enjoy her pretty pink pussy. Back on the work top, Kristy now moves to some serious gaping, holding herself wide open so that her cunt entrance is clearly visible. Her pussy walls pout upwards to meet us as Kristy flexes her internal muscles. A perfect exposure indeed.

相应的美图资源如下: WELL EXPOSED - 2023年10月5日.


时长: 16:30



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-7112 475天前


MEMBER-12338 475天前

Its funny, she doesn't have the biggest gape, but her cunt looks so "pouty" and she's so delightfully open to inspection! Its almost like the "two chairs" videos, where gravity and cunt-angle make such a nice pink hole! It is so great to see it start to gape open all by itself as she slowly slides off the counter, and the corner stretches her cheeks open for us...

I also like the way she fondles her tits. She moves them from every angle, so it is easy to imagine what they feel like... all soft and squishy :-)

Thank you Kristi and Jiri!

MEMBER-19885 475天前

One can only hope there will be more and deep super closeups!

MEMBER-24147 475天前

She has an incredibly beautiful and different pussy, I love that.
I would really like to tell you my top 10. - These are mainly girls I already knew, but a single new one has come along.
The list could easily change as I haven't seen all the PJ Girls yet. Hope it's ok.
1: Silvie DeLuxe
2: Vanessa Decker
3: Chrissy Fox
4: Denisa Heaven
5: Lady Dee
6: Dominika (Alexis Crystal).
7: Rachel Evans
8: Eileen Sue
9: Celine Noiret. (I didn't know the beauty before).
10. Akasha
Do you also have a list?

MEMBER-20414 474天前

Kristy - du auch in der Küche? :-)) ❤️ Wundervoll! Deine Möse ist sehr markant und befeuert die Fantasie in noch gedehntere und tiefere Einblicke! :-)) ❤️ Thanks Kristy & Jiri
Kristy - you in the kitchen too? :-)) ❤️ Wonderful! Your pussy is very striking and fires the imagination into even wider and deeper insights! :-)) ❤️ Thanks Kristy & Jiri

MEMBER-7112 474天前

Her omanko is very interesting. When she spreads, her labia minora disappear and fat meat blocks bulging out. Spectacular!!

MEMBER-23347 470天前

More videos from this angle please.

MEMBER-24133 468天前

All her good assets are well exposed. Thumbs up!

MEMBER-25898 243天前

I love models with mini labias.

MEMBER-26993 51天前

Her well-exposed vulva is a pervert's




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