Black Sofa - intro photo


Starting with a close up focus on her open, glistening pussy, Tarra soon removes her only piece of clothing, a tight cream top, to let us enjoy her perfect, naked form. Her breasts are soft as can be and her nipples as dark and full as slices of Italian salami. Leaning forwards, she holds her pussy wide open as a center piece for her gorgeous ass. Moving back around, Tarra appears with the vaginal spreader deep inside that oh so pretty pussy. He rippled walls are as perfect as the rest of her and thankfully Jiri's faultless focus allows us to enjoy every mm. Tarra now applies the vibrator to her lovely pussy, moving it rhythmically against her clit. What a vision of loveliness she is as she leans back feeling the sensations pulse through her. As the pace of movement increases, we hear lovely Tarra starting to moan and breath more heavily and pussy juice starts to gather inside. Her tight pussy forces the spreader out before her orgasm hits, but the continued view on her now, oh so creamy pussy, is still utterly delicious.

相应的美图资源如下: BLACK SOFA - 2023年8月3日.


时长: 14:09



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MEMBER-21782 584天前

The variety of the past month with hot new models, new tools, old toys, girl-girl and... Wow! PJGirls is back in business!

MEMBER-20414 584天前

Jiri, wenn es das "Schwarze Sofa" nicht gäbe, ich glaube man müsste es erfinden - als weitere Heimstätte der weiblichen Erotik, - so, wie die berühmte Küche in der Villa! :-))) :-)))
Tarra du bist eine Augenweide ❤️❤️❤️ und deine Pussy erst: Zu Anfang so unscheinbar und dann eine Schatzhöhle der weiblichen Lust! ❤️❤️❤️
Jiri, if the "Black Sofa" didn't exist, I think it would have to be invented - as another home of female eroticism - just like the famous kitchen in the villa! :-))) :-)))
Tarra you are a feast for the eyes ❤️❤️❤️ and your pussy first: so inconspicuous at the beginning and then a treasure trove of female lust! ❤️❤️❤️

MEMBER-23652 584天前

Tara is without doubt my favorite PJ Girls model to date! She has a near flawless skin tone, a warm smile and jaw-dropping assets...

To top it all she is ink-free as far as I can tell which scores highly in my esteem as I'm really not a fan of tattoos...

Thank-you Tara & Jiri!

MEMBER-7112 584天前


Wow! I was surprised. Wide spread omanko view from the beginning. It's so nice. I like her pubic hair is completely shaved, and no down at all. Then here comes the toy. As I described that the inside views were so different between 8/3 and 7/31, I think the cause was the length of insertion part length. Anyway they are excellent views. As the skin near to anus is stretched so hard, we can almost see though behind.

MEMBER-23733 583天前

Pjgirls is to be commended on the latest in the wonderful series of videos starring the lovely Tarra. What a breathtakingly beautiful pussy!

MEMBER-22982 583天前

To much tools for me ,more outdoor and public vids please

MEMBER-23148 583天前

I agree with ORSALAN

MEMBER-7112 583天前

PJG main title says" THE MASTER OF GAPING" I and many PJG subscribers think that to observe beautiful girl's omanko which is spread wide is the main desire. When the shooting place or background is nice, the shooting result would be good. But most important thing is how the model shows her omanko inside exciting and vivid.

MEMBER-19885 583天前

Incredible view and detail! Superb and beautiful! Don't stop!

MEMBER-22206 583天前

I appreciate that the last few speculum scenes still have a decent amount of just classic pussy spreading without any tools.




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