Nude And Natural - intro photo


In a pink short sweater and short skirt, Bella rapidly strips off for us, first pealing off her top to show her soft breasts, which she squeezes tantalizingly, and then her skirt. Now totally naked, Bella leans back on the bed to begin flexing her lovely ass cheeks - separating her pussy lips in the process. With 2 hands applied, a separation become a gape as Bella holds her pussy wide open. As she lies on her side, the image of her lovely ass and open pussy is utterly gorgeous. Moving to her knees, she holds her ass cheeks wide apart to open herself even wider - creating a veritable chasm. This dark cave needs tome illumination and, as the camera zooms in at 7.53, we get just that - Bella's cunt entrance filling the screen and sufficient light to see her cervix - unaided by medical instruments! Bella turns around to continue stretching on her back, giving a lovely view of her whole body as well as her open pussy. Nude, natural and a complete knockout!

相应的美图资源如下: NUDE AND NATURAL - 2023年7月22日.


时长: 15:04



子宫 扩张 美足 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-7112 545天前


MEMBER-14183 545天前

Hot hole!

Heißes Loch!

MEMBER-22633 545天前

7:51-8:24 is on repeat. You can see through the cunt entrance all the way down to her cervix, awesome!

MEMBER-18565 544天前

Every time I watch this girl I like her more. Beautiful natural girl gaping her hot pink hollow vagina. Love the hidden queef's!

MEMBER-23745 544天前

Her hole isn’t huge, but she gapes it well. I appreciate her skills, and her queefs.

MEMBER-20283 544天前

This video is exactly the reason I prefer no speculums or gadgets in the vagina. Bella gapes her hole open naturally showing all the way inside while still allowing me to see her full vagina, lips, clit, taint, asshole, and everything. A good clear unobstructed view of her entire pussy. I know the debate will continue, but this type of video is definitely number one in my book. Good clear unobstructed gaping pussy show. Let’s me imagine being able to slide my dick in without anything in the way. Bella is a nutbuster.

MEMBER-7112 543天前

@ BASEMANN, I understand your opinion. But I also love to see female inside with expanded, because the inside skin is naturally shrunk and very hard to see its true feature. But when it's expanded, we can inspect very detail of omanko inside surface and it's really fun. The ideal inspection with expansion of omanko might be sending high pressure air into omanko with plugging entrance of it. It's a balloon! And inserting endcam will give us no blocking, 360 perfect view of omanko inside. I hope someone invent this tool.

MEMBER-6770 542天前

I agree 100% with BASEMANN. Outstanding video!! Bella is AMAZING!! Thanks!

MEMBER-19658 522天前

oh my god yes. more, much more!

MEMBER-24531 437天前

that is perfection OMG




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