Inside Tarra - intro photo


There are times on this site when you struggle to believe your luck. Beautiful Tarra performing with a speculum is one such time! Appearing this time on the kitchen worktop in a blue negligee, Tarra first lets us enjoy her lovely breasts with rich, dark areola. She then removes the negligee to let us enjoy her stunning naked perfection. Turning towards us, her pussy at first seems tight, but then with a little pressure opens to pink perfection. And how she opens up with the addition of the clear speculum. With her gorgeous body still in clear view, we are allowed to gaze into her very depths - her cervix smiling at us. Simply holding open is not enough for this stunning lady however. Tarra soon starts to push the speculum in and out, making her walls contract and separate and her cervix rise up to meet us and then disappear once more to the depths. Tarra would be a blessing to any web site. To have her reveal both her outer and inner beauty for us here however is simply fab-u-lous! Thank you for sharing!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE TARRA - 2023年7月20日.


时长: 15:08



扩张 子宫 阴道扩张 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 红发 丰满的



MEMBER-7112 581天前


MEMBER-19242 581天前

And that is what I call a speculum video! Stunning.

MEMBER-13648 581天前

WOW! Tarra is spectacular. I love everything she does.
Thank you Jiri for this beautiful addition to PJGirls.
Please get her 'on the stairs' and 'under the bridge'.

MEMBER-20414 580天前

❤️❤️❤️ Fantastisch ❤️❤️❤️- Tarra du bist SUPER !! Du zeigts das "Eldorado" der inneren Weiblichkeit in allen Details, dazu noch sehr sinnlich und erotisch; eine sgenhafte Show.
❤️❤️❤️ Du bist eine Bereicherung für PJ, vielen Dank dafür !!
❤️❤️❤️ Jiri, auch dir ein großes Kompliment; du musst Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen, dass sie uns hold gesonnen bleibt hörst Du? :-)))) Tara ist ein Geschenk der weiblichen Erotik! ❤️❤️❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Fantastic ❤️❤️❤️- Tarra you are SUPER!! You show the "Eldorado" of inner femininity in every detail, very sensual and erotic; a wonderful show. ❤️❤️❤️ You are an asset to PJ, thank you so much!!
❤️❤️❤️ Jiri, a big compliment to you too; you have to set heaven and hell in motion so that she stays kind to us, you hear? :-)))) Tara is a gift of female erotic! ❤️❤️❤️

MEMBER-23660 580天前

Tarra is gorgeous. Lovely face, beautiful pink cunt and smiling eye contact make this a fantastic video.

MEMBER-7112 580天前

Now, this is the PJG special video, "Speculum omanko opening show"! Thank you, Jiri and Tarra for excellent work to show female secret zone. The beginning is a pink rose blossom. Very pretty. And anus is cute. Then with the speculum insertion, she shows beautiful straight wrinkles of vagina wall and cervix smooth skin. It's interesting that cervix moves up when speculum thrust in. And my favorite sideway speculum! Oh! What a sight! Bulged meat with many little warts spread on the surface, messy deep inside, deformed pee hole and oozing white female mucus. It's amazing that the deference of omanko inside view between speculum side and straight. I love this video!

MEMBER-23297 579天前

Great video! I would love to see inside her pussy with the pussy cam!

MEMBER-17568 579天前

The last bonus video was at January, that was just a combine video. The last special bonus video was last year December. We still waiting for a special bonus video. Hope we can bonus soon.
Thank !

MEMBER-8185 579天前

Wow, what a gorgeous woman. She is hot!

MEMBER-22522 578天前

Good to have more speculum videos

MEMBER-23769 577天前

I'd love to see a peehole play video with her

MEMBER-17145 565天前

Wonderful spreading . Beautiful smile. A top video. Well done.

MEMBER-23953 548天前

Another great kitchen scene with a beautiful gaper, thanks Tarra

MEMBER-19658 532天前

excellent video; thanks to model and cameraman.

MEMBER-25016 396天前

super sexy lovely looking and great breasts




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