Outdoor Gyno - intro photo


Silvia wears a pretty white and blue flowered short dress in this video. Pulling the front down, she shows us her full breasts with dark nipples which she tugs and teases. This video is titled gyno however, so we quickly move to her pretty pussy, displayed as Silvia lays on her side and holds her lips open - her cunt entrance on show perfectly. We continue to enjoy delicious gapes of Silvia's gorgeous gash until 8 1/2 minutes, at which point a Gynex speculum appears in her pussy showing what exists beyond the walls. The advantage of the Gynex is that it only obscures one of the model's inner walls - allowing us a great view of Silvia's remaining 3 rippled pussy walls along with her cervix, nestling deep inside. Silvia moves from a sitting pose to leaning forwards to end the video - her pussy still held wide open. It's not called the great outdoors for nothing!

相应的美图资源如下: OUTDOOR GYNO - 2023年5月27日.


时长: 13:37



美足 子宫 扩张 阴道扩张 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-20414 651天前

Silvia du bist einfach wundervoll. ❤️❤️ Ich hab keine Ahnung wie angenehm oder unangenehm sich das Edelstahlspekulum anwenden lässt, aber es bringt deine wunderbare Liebeshöhle voll zur Geltung - so herrlich!! ❤️❤️ Thanks Silvia & Jiri
Jiri - was für ein super lauschiges Plätzchen du für Silvia da ausgesucht hast, - sehr schön. :-)))
Silvia you are just wonderful. ❤️❤️ I have no idea how comfortable or uncomfortable the stainless steel speculum is to use, but it really brings out your wonderful love cave - so gorgeous!! ❤️❤️ Thanks Silvia & Jiri
Jiri - what a super cozy place you have chosen for Silvia - very nice. :-)))

MEMBER-22394 651天前


MEMBER-7112 651天前

白いワンピースからポロリとデッカいおっぱいが転げ出た。Silviaのおっぱいってこんなにデカかった?多分詰め物したんだろう。跡が全然見えないけど、まあいいか。オマンコの方が大事だもんな。さて、ついに登場!オマンコ開口器だ!「さあ、私の一番キレイなところ見て」と言うイイ感じでニコニコしながらご開帳。このGynexは8:30から見せてる突っ込み位置がちょうど尿道口がバッチリ見えるからいいんだ。子宮もしっかり見えてていいぞ。オットGynexを突っ込んだまんま姿勢変えるの?痛くね?大丈夫ならそのまんま立ち上がって歩いて、それを真下からクローズアップしたらニューショットにならないかな?Jiri, やってみて。

MEMBER-15717 651天前

Thank you. This kind of speculum is more painful than the regular plastic one right?

MEMBER-14183 650天前

I just thought some days ago that we haven't seen that speculum in action for quite a while. And then there is Silvia posing with this long missed toy. I love outdoor sets and I love to look at cervixes through a wide open speculum. Thanks Silvia for this hot set!

Gerade die Tage dachte ich, dass wir dieses Spekulum lange nicht mehr im Einsatz gesehen haben. Und dann posiert Silvia mit dem lange vermissten Spielzeug. Ich liebe Außen-Sets und ich liebe es den Muttermund der Damen durch ein weit geöffnetes Spekulum zu betrachten. Danke Silvia für dieses heiße Set!

MEMBER-17357 650天前

OMFG, not just that great CUNTspreader Silvia but the return of the Guttman speculum: wanktastic!! Nothing's hotter than that smooth shiny steel in a soft pink CUNT and Silvia really knows how to expose herself to the maximum for our masturbation pleasure: A++++++

MEMBER-7112 650天前

Her big tits are rolling out from white one piece. I wander if her tits are ever so big? I think she got surgery treatment. I can’t see any sign. OK, forget it. Omanko is more important for me. Now, omanko spreader, we were waiting for! She seems saying” Look at my most beautiful part” opening her huge omanko with big smile. I like this Gynex because it can clearly reveal pee hole so clear as on 8:30 this video. Also we can enjoy cervix. Oh, she can change posture keeping Gynex inside of her omanko. Don’t you feel pain? If not I wanna see from underneath that Silvia walks with keeping Gynex inside of her omanko. Might be exciting view which has never shown. Why don’t you try it, Jiri?

MEMBER-14183 650天前

> If not I wanna see from underneath that Silvia walks with keeping Gynex inside of her omanko.

That would be hot. Next level: The girl is at the gym, using a stepper while the speculum is gaping the Fotze as wide as possible.

Das wäre heiß. Nächstes Level: Das Mädel ist im Fitnessstudio auf einem Stepper und ein Spekulum dehnt die Fotze so weit wie es geht.

MEMBER-7112 650天前

@CLITLICKER, thank you for your comment. And how about room bike with modified saddle which has a big hole for omanko visible? Then insert speculum and let her ride on. Or bird cage gizmo might be better to inspect inside of omanko wall movements.
Mmmm, the bike frame blocks the view?? New frame needed? Forget it! :-(
Then how about a room runner?

MEMBER-21660 649天前

beautiful sexy Silvia

love her rich black hair , her smile and those fantastic boobs

she spreads her lovely pussy lips revealing her pink perfect pussy

its not until she spread her pussy with the aid of the speculum that she really opens up

her clit is nice and hard as she runs it

beautiful sexy Silvia more please

MEMBER-23280 649天前

Silvia has an amazing body with a beautiful vulva. It's amazing how wide she can open up her pussy with her fingers and show us her wet pink inside flesh. And then completely open up all the way to the cervix with the nice large speculum for our pleasure. And it's really horny that she moves around with this thing deep in her body. Her pussy holds it tight, she doesn't even have to use her hands. It even seems like her vagina is trying to pull that part in deeper as she turns around, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to open the vagina with a speculum in public.

What comes next? A girl on a bottomless stroll but with a wide open speculum inside her pussy?

MEMBER-17357 649天前

"A girl on a bottomless stroll but with a wide open speculum inside her pussy?" YES, PLEASE!!

MEMBER-23953 567天前

Great work love the shot lying on her side spreading her cunt very sexy

MEMBER-22384 561天前

How nicer if the insertion of the gynex hadn't been edited out




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