Silvia Under The Bridge - intro photo


Sylvia poses under the bridge wearing a short floral dress. She first pulls the front down to show her firm, ample breasts and then raises her skirt to prove that there's nothing obstructing the view of her lovely pussy. Sylvia's pussy gapes naturally, her meaty inner lips coming into full view as she holds her outer lips apart. As we gaze up between her firm thighs, her rippled cunt walls are clearly displayed. Moving around to the front, we continue our privileged view into Silvia's pussy, augmented by her lovely boobs and pretty face smiling down at us. Squatting back against the wall, Silvia pulls her cunt wide open, giving a great view of her rippled walls. This view certainly deserves closer inspection - so that's exactly what Jiri does, zooming in until Silvia's rippled cunt fills your screen - delicious!

相应的美图资源如下: SILVIA UNDER THE BRIDGE - 2023年5月18日.


时长: 15:00



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-7112 664天前


MEMBER-22206 664天前

Jesus! I am always blown away by how big her pussy is! Omg I can't wait to cum.

MEMBER-21099 663天前

Very nice! How about a kitchen or bathing scene? This would pretty much complete the collection.

MEMBER-7112 663天前

Wow, amazing! Huge omanko. This is the PJG. At the beginning, she shows good shaped big tits then no-panty by up skirt. Nice looking. Now, we are at big omanko show. BTW, video title should be “Under The Omanko” , not “Under The Bridge”, right? Can we expect girl fluid coming down? Anyway, huge vagina inlet or what do you say? She shows undulating inside of her secret meat balls. Impressive! Also we can see her big tits and pretty face in back ground. Her inside, as the meats are so heavy, I can’t find her pee hole. Instead, I can see there are two Skene gland holes. The close up omanko at 13:20 was so surprised me but so good.

MEMBER-22949 663天前

My personal model No. 1

The best there was, the best there is and possibly the best there ever will be!

MEMBER-23296 663天前

Amazing Content.... What a Horse Cock Clamper Silvia has BTW...ReBook Freya Dee with her New Saggy Plump Swollen Bolt On's Exposed......Do a Freya VS Silvia Gaping Comparison .....

MEMBER-7112 662天前

@SWOLLENCOCK89, the gaping comparison might be interesting. But for the partner of Silvia Black, as her omanko is so large, I don't think Frea ( Freya?) Dee is proper one. Because her omanko is not so large. (I like Frea's omanko though) The suitable one might be Nella, Claudia, Tiny or Wild. (I referred to the Tag=Huge)

MEMBER-20414 661天前

Gorgeous ! ❤️❤️❤️ :-)))

MEMBER-23953 570天前

Silvia what a lovely big cunt hole another PJ classic girl, never get bored of seeing you more please

MEMBER-24147 526天前

Being the man who gets to stick his cock up her wonderful pink pussy must feel like he's in heaven.
But everything about her is beautiful and delicious, so now you'll have to excuse me, I'm going to have to jerk off to her.




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