Comeback - intro photo


I'm sure you'll all join in welcoming Lexi back to our screens, wearing a black strap vest top, which she peels down to flick her stiff nipples. Unclipping the thong between her legs, Lexi lays on her side and flexes her internal muscles at make her pussy open and close like a clam. As she squeezes tight, her glistening rippled walls come clearly into view. Moving to her knees, Lexi continues to demonstrate the strength of her internal muscles, creating a veritable cave as she relaxes to open her cunt to the base of her cervix. Moving t her back, she holds herself wide open, providing a fantastic view of her rippled walls in closeup at 13.44. The video finishes by zooming out to allow us to appreciate every inch of this lovely lady. Welcome back indeed Lexi!

相应的美图资源如下: COMEBACK - 2023年5月13日.


时长: 16:25



扩张 阴道扩张 美足 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 明星 深色皮肤 弹性



MEMBER-7112 663天前



MEMBER-22069 663天前

Yes! Yes! Yes!

MEMBER-18234 663天前

Lexi, indeed welcome back! What a good looking woman she is. I like her smile and pretty face and super physique and her attitude. Absolutely stunning looking woman.
Thank you Jiri.

MEMBER-22384 663天前

You know by her eyes she knows what a show there'll be.

Great gaping and pussy popping sound.

She came back
He came forth

MEMBER-7112 663天前

Here comes the gaping queen, Lexi. She is one of the hottest PJgirls who show excellent movements of omanko. She does her omanko gaping and closing with splashing sound. The Meaty and bumpy omanko inside walls movement in and out are spectacle view. Her gaped big hole is worth to see. A little offset PJtongue looks good . The close up from 10:20 is excellent. The vagina with jaggy edge is huge black hole and meaty pee hole under side does serpentine movement. And the following M-pose show is true PJG. Messy inside meats are my favorite.

When a young smiling beauty calmly shows her omanko which is sometime huge in size, messy and meaty, I feel " Wow! what a awesome messy omanko even she is such a beautiful young woman!"and I think it's the true viewing enjoyment of omanko. The more gap between "Beauty" and "Ugly"(I mean, almost "Unusual " is closer)is great, the more degree of excitement is bigger. It's my full excitement that a young beautiful girl who reveals her big omanko with lots of bumpy and complicated texture of cunt wall and prolapsing them all. That's why PJGirls gives me exciting viewing entertainment of omanko.

MEMBER-20414 663天前

Jiri, das war eine brilliante Idee von dir, - ein Comeback mit Lexi, das ist schon eine Hausnummer,- super!!
❤️❤️❤️Lexi ,- du Pussy-Queen - eine der "Hohe-Priesterinnen" der weiblichen Erotik! ❤️❤️❤️
Was für eine unerwartete und außerordentliche Freude dich hier wieder begrüßen zu dürfen - Begeisterung, - pure Begeisterung!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :-)))) Thanks Lexi & Jiri
Jiri, that was a brilliant idea of yours - a comeback with Lexi, that's quite a hit - great!!
❤️❤️❤️Lexi - you pussy queen - one of the "high priestesses" of female eroticism! ❤️❤️❤️
What an unexpected and extraordinary pleasure to welcome you back - excitement, - pure excitement!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :-)))) Thanks Lexi & Jiri

MEMBER-18234 662天前


MEMBER-23953 565天前

Lexi big cunt stunner one of the all time classic PJ girls great to see her back




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