Inside Delia - intro photo


Delia is a delight - no question. A beautiful lady with full, natural breasts, a well toned body and a very pretty pussy! Delia begins her latest video naked, displaying all to perfection. This video is however mainly about Delia's perfect pussy. For the first half of the video she presses her fingers deep inside her vagina, opening herself wide so that we can see her rippled walls which she flexes deliciously for us. For the second half however we go deeper - much deeper - with the aid of the clear speculum. With her vaginal canal wide open, Delia presses the hitachi vibrator firmly against her clit. It's obvious that the intensity of the sensations surprise her from the beginning as she laughs and her cunt walls contract. After 10 mins, Jiri zooms in and we get a perfect view down to Delia's smooth cervix. It's glorious watching the pleasure course through Delia's body, causing her cunt walls to contract - compressing her cervix in the process. Listening to - and watching - this lovely woman reach orgasm is a real privilege. Thank you Delia and of course Jiri!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE DELIA - 2023年1月14日.


时长: 14:22



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MEMBER-21464 805天前

Fuck Yeah!!! I had been waiting for this delicious view of Delia’s cervix since her hidden in the bush video years ago.

MEMBER-19822 805天前

Delia, you have a fantastic cervix thank you for showing her to us! I also thoroughly enjoyed listening to your pussy sounds and looking at your smiling face while opening yourself for us to see. ????❤
Jiri Awesome work yet again, this is why I love this site.

MEMBER-22363 805天前


MEMBER-21660 804天前

stunningly beautiful and so natural

when she spreads her gloriuos vagina her clit is exposed and she smiles so sexually

with the speculum inserted Delia caresses her very sexy body squeezing her boobs as her pussy is wide open

the look of her face is priceless when she uses her vibrator

her cervix is fantastic with pussy juices flowing

Delia is tops

MEMBER-684 801天前


MEMBER-20651 745天前

What a lovely smile, and the wet-cunt noises as Delia opens her lovely vagina are delightful.

And what beautiful orgasms!

Thank you!

MEMBER-23745 606天前

Hopefully we can get another Delia speculum video with the clear speculum. I’d love to see one that includes doggystyle pussy flexing with the speculum in. I wanna see more of those contractions with the cervix moving around and the wet pussy sounds.




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