Smooth Vaginal Ripples - intro photo


This superb video jumps straight in with sizzling Sereyna holding her pussy wide open just in front of the camera lens. Stretching herself with fingers inserted deep inside, her pussy juice begins to well up. Zooming out, we get to appreciate the full beauty of Sereyna's form - with pretty breasts and puffy nipples cresting her lovely, tanned body. If her gorgeous external body isn't enough for you however, Sereyna opens herself up completely with a speculum, showing a perfect pink cervix in clear focus in her depths. I love gazing into a beautiful girl's cunt. I love watching a beautiful girl masturbate with a toy. So what could be better than Sereyna fucking herself with the speculum... her cervix rising up to greet us as the plastic arms penetrate deep inside and her delicious pussy cream gathering in a yummy pool. This view certainly justifies a closer look - which is provided as we zoom in up close and very personal, until Sereyna's perfect cervix virtually fills your screen. Sereyna finishes the video by inserting the speculum sideways so that we can fully appreciate her upper and lower walls as well as her pretty urethra.

相应的美图资源如下: SMOOTH VAGINAL RIPPLES - 2022年11月22日.


时长: 18:31



扩张 美足 阴道扩张 子宫 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 丰满的



MEMBER-18234 801天前

Beautiful girl and lovely smile and great figure. Thank you Jiri.

MEMBER-14183 801天前

Welcome Back Sereyna and her beautiful cunt.
She knows what PJGirls is all about and the first that we see in this clip is the area between her thighs that we all love to explore in explicit detail. Thanks Serena! Keep your Fotzenloch open for us.

MEMBER-21372 800天前

Look at that fucking cervix! Look at it! Spectacular!

MEMBER-20414 799天前

Eine supertolle Show Sereyna! Die Idee das Spekulum quer zu nutzen finde ich großartig erotisch - sieht man selten, - so bringst du die oberen und unteren Scheidenwälle deiner herrlichen Muschi voll zur Geltung - einfach wundervoll! ❤❤❤
A super great show Sereyna! I find the idea of using the speculum transversely very erotic - you rarely see this - you bring out the upper and lower vaginal walls of your wonderful pussy - simply wonderful! ❤❤❤

MEMBER-14183 788天前

I love looking at gaping cunt, so what better way to start a clip with a gaping hole full screen. It gets even better when Serena put a speculum onto the Fotzenloch and presents her cervix. Keep gaping and let Jori zoom into your cunts, sweet ladies! I love, love, love it!

Ich liebe es gedehnte Schamlippen zu sehen, wie kann ein Clip also besser beginnen als mit gespreiztem Loch im Vollbild. Es wird noch besser wenn Sereyna ein Spekulum in die Scheide schiebt und uns ihren Muttermund präsentiert. Spreizt weiter die Fotzen und lasst Jiri ganz hemmungslos in eure Mösen filmen, liebe Damen!

MEMBER-4698 787天前

Excellent speculum scene! Great spreads, beautiful cervix. Sereyna is gorgeous. I love it when the girl is completely naked, shaved and spreading showing her cervix. No hands in the way so we can see everything.

MEMBER-24642 424天前

Sereyna has another beautiful cervix, and it looked like the hole creamed, modestly. I am still waiting to see a cervix hole ejaculate.




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