Ashley Under The Dam - intro photo


Ashley strolls along the walls of the dam wearing a pretty white dress... but nothing underneath. This she proves by raising her skirt and holding her neat pussy lips wide apart first from the front and then, turning around to show her lovely tanned ass, from behind. It's a lovely sunny day, so why would you want to retain clothes? Going for the full body tan, Ashley pulls her dress over her head to show her pretty boobs crested by stiff button nipples which she twists and pinches for good measure. Sitting down on a towel, Ashley pulls her outer lips wide apart to let us see the neat entrance to her cunt. Jiri does a great job showing us the prettiest parts of this young lady from various angles.

相应的美图资源如下: ASHLEY UNDER THE DAM - 2022年8月2日.


时长: 13:34



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 丰满的



MEMBER-18234 964天前

The set is very stop and start. Thank you Ashley. What a super pair of erect nipples you possess very impressive.
I like her nails and that she has taken the trouble to match with her snatch. Ashley looks very appealing and I like her smile and her labia.
Super set apart from the technical issues I am having. Great work Jiri and thank you Ashley.

MEMBER-17736 964天前

The last 3 minutes are by far the best part! There's this little bit where the camera is off to the side and you get this awesome shot of her pussy from a different angle and that was really hot!

MEMBER-19658 964天前

haha i like the guy in the window at 5:47 - i want his job!

MEMBER-6860 962天前

Great work!
I´s it possible to release more vid´s like this one?
Vanessa Sweet - Huge Hole - 2020-07-06

I like this furniture!
And of course more videos with Vanessa Sweet ;-)

MEMBER-19929 962天前

I can't get this vid to play. Downloaded it twice but it stops about halfway through.

ADMIN 961天前

I think one of the HD files may have been corrupted (all the other versions are fine). I'm reuploading it, please try it again later.

MEMBER-5552 960天前

Had the same issue with the 1280x720 file. Full HD works. Great to see Ashley here on this site!! Looking forward to more videos from her. I like her sweet smile und gorgeous pink lovely pussy. Also great the fully nude outdoor shooting. Top Job!

MEMBER-21609 903天前

This is exakty what I want to enjoy. Big beautful wide open pussy. And Ashley realy deliver pussy for all us who worships pink female fleshy meat. Could lick that piece of meat for hours

MEMBER-22812 733天前

vilken vacker fitta hon har




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