Inside Alisa Moore - intro photo


If you thought the external views of this stunning young lady were beautiful, you now get the opportunity to discover that she is just as gorgeous on the inside! Alisa commences this video totally naked, with the clear speculum already displaying her cervix in perfect view. In case this wasn't sufficient, she squeezes her gorgeous breasts together so that you can appreciate her sumptuous curves and puffy, tawny nipples. As she lifts her hips, her ass hole is brought into clear view and her unblemished cervix rises towards us. How could this get hotter - well try Alisa using the speculum as a dildo, making her pussy walls and cervix flex as she wanks off with the plastic paddles inside her. This is so damned sexy, you just have to get in there, tongue teasinginly close - and that's what we do - from only 3 mins in. You can see the pussy juice in her depths and around the arms of the speculum. As the rhythm of her wanking gets more intense, so the volume of pussy juice increases to a rich, creamy reservoir gathered around the bottom of her gorgeous cunt. The full macro views from around 5 minutes are just sublime. At 5.30 we get to focus on the gently rippled side walls of Alisa's cunt - once more in perfect clarity. At around 8 1/2 mins, Alisa turns around to let us enjoy the rear view - speculum still deeply inserted. Her ass hole pinches deliciously as she flexes her cunt walls. Finally the speculum is removed to let us just enjoy her now gaping pussy. It is lovely, but for me this has to be about what is probably the best speculum scene on this site - ever!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE ALISA MOORE - 2022年6月25日.


时长: 12:13



扩张 子宫 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 丰满的



MEMBER-15717 1007天前

this is what I like , hopefully there will be more videos like this, there used to be 3 speculum videos per month , but now only one video per month, thanks.

ADMIN 1006天前

There are always at least 2 speculum videos per month (in average). Between January and May there were 10 speculum videos total.

MEMBER-4698 1006天前

Alisa is beautiful. Thanks for the speculum scene. Excellent.

MEMBER-20763 1006天前

Alisa looks like a cross between Angel Princess and Anie Darling, she is incredibly hot. We can only wish that she is willing and can stretch her pussy open as deep and wide as Angel Princess, that would surely be a site to see.

MEMBER-14183 1005天前

Btw: Is Angel Princess still in the business? I would love to have a good look into her cunt again.

For the time being, Alisa and her her big boobies and her great Fotzenloch are a good alternative.

MEMBER-20536 1004天前

Alisa has such a wet creamy pussy fully open by the speculum

MEMBER-22354 801天前

Please more video like this one

MEMBER-24298 499天前

Alisa's creamy cervix is so yummy!




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