In The Hallway - intro photo


Julia looks as sexy as can be wearing a "trailer park" vest and tight denim shorts with sizzling red lace lingerie beneath. Stripping down to her bra and briefs her beautiful body is accentuated superbly by her sexy undies. As she pulls her briefs against her pussy her crack shows clearly and her vulva lips spread outwards. Whilst this lady looks great in red, the removal of her briefs to reveal her beautifully shaped vagina has to be an improvement. Julia's cunt opening is tight and round... tongue tinglingly enticing! As she squeezes her inner muscles, the rippled walls of her cunt are clearly visible. It's not until 10 minutes that Julia sits up to remove her lace bra and show us her pretty boobs with large, peachy nipples. Now naked, Julia turns around to let us enjoy a superb view of her lovely firm ass and a rear view of her spread pussy. As she continues to pulsate her pussy you can but wish that you were with her to press yourself deep into that tight hole. The close up views just after 12 mins are glorious. Julia finishes the video by turning around to pose demurely and blow us a kiss.

相应的美图资源如下: IN THE HALLWAY - 2022年6月1日.


时长: 16:16



扩张 阴道扩张 脱垂 无毛的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-20834 997天前

I love love love face down ass up pussy gapes from behind. Thank you!

MEMBER-4899 997天前

How different the preferences are: I love frontal shots with extreme close-ups of the cunt. Thank you.

MEMBER-14183 997天前

I love girls that spread legs in any position and let us admire her cunt.

MEMBER-20647 996天前

This video is a well-done cunt show, but unfortunately the video is sometimes quite dark with too strong contrast setting - it looks like filmed through an orange/brown filter. I have the impression it wasn't made by Jiři, it's not Jiři's professional style. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

MEMBER-20834 996天前

@cuntspecht - I think the video just needs some basic adjustments. I tweaked a downloaded video file on my end. Too much contrast, too much saturation, just a few basic adjustments and voila - it looks so much better.

MEMBER-20647 993天前

@FARTMAN69 - The video should already created in perfect quality. a post-processing at the consumer is not the point of the matter.

MEMBER-20834 993天前

@cuntspecht - I agree with you, but my point was one of sharing information and enlightenment, Not being butthurt.




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