Johanka - intro photo


Johanka brings a bit of glamour to proceedings, wearing a gold sequin dress that drapes enticingly around her nice MILF boobs. I say MILF, but when you look at Johanka's unblemished, tight pussy, you have to ask if it has had to stretch around anything wider than an inch or two. Johanka gives a good display of her feet for all you budding chiropodists before letting us focus on her perfect pussy. Smooth and tight, Johanka seems as though she would need lots of warming up before her lovely lips were parted for action. Further videos to let us study this more closely and of course to continue focussing on her equally perfect ass (and the lovely lady as a whole of course) will be a pleasure to anticipate.

相应的美图资源如下: JOHANKA - 2022年4月7日.


时长: 14:19



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 紧致的 美穴 无毛的 美穴 熟女 金发尤物 苗条



MEMBER-19639 1070天前

Pretty Face, nice Body and beautiful Cunt !!

MEMBER-18234 1069天前

Johanka is a sultry pretty vixen. She has an amazing physique. Please get some gape training in with the team. She is so sultry and deserves this admiration. Premium girl with respect.
Thank you Johanka. Even your name is sexy.
Thank you Jiri.

MEMBER-19710 1069天前

I love her in her glamour dress and shoes. Generally speaking, clothes like these tell me the lady is open for business....
When you get her warmed up and fully open, I'm looking forward to closer, deeper views of her delectable cunt.
Lovely lady, thanks!

MEMBER-19940 1069天前

Johanka is one classy girl....absolutely exquisite....

I look forward to seeing more of her!

MEMBER-17284 1068天前

Nice first video. She seemed a little uncomfortable. Definitely interested in seeing more of Johanka.

MEMBER-17357 1067天前

Johanka is a real find: thank you, Jiri! Those long, long legs and hot, hot CUNT are a superb combination, and she's a natural for spreading from behind. Keep 'em coming, Johanka!!

MEMBER-20587 1066天前

3:15 wonderful to see the model throw away her panties, then I know that there is no obstacle to seeing pussy, it is pussy that I am here to see and that makes me happy at the end when she spread her pussy

MEMBER-19450 1066天前

beautiful twat. Let's see the inside more next time!

MEMBER-20536 1062天前

beautiful lady and love her erect clit

MEMBER-20647 1061天前

I think this is not Jiris style, strange colours, the whole movie is yellow and orange, definitely nothing for my PJG-collection. Who made this movie ?

MEMBER-20735 1039天前

Thank you Johanka. In my opinion, you are a most welcome addition to pjgirls and definitely have great untapped potential. Please relax and open up as much as possible.

MEMBER-22792 737天前

Wonderful and so sweet ! please more movie of Johanka , Thanks .




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