Anita - intro photo


Welcome Anita - one more young lady to bless us in her dirty thirties! Anita sports a lacey red negligee for us in her first appearance, lounging on the couch and seductively peeling down her top to show her firm, enhanced breasts. As she turns around however, you see one aspect of her anatomy that required no enhancement - a perfect ass and pussy! From the start, we see that this girl knows how to spread that lovely cooch - and spread it she does, with Jiri providing a superb view deep within her rippled pink walls - even her pretty little pee hole smiling open for us. We are sure to enjoy further journeys into the depths of this lovely addition to the PJG portfolio.

相应的美图资源如下: ANITA - 2022年3月26日.


时长: 13:49



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 熟女 金发尤物 苗条



MEMBER-17357 1031天前

Holy moly, she has a SUPERCUNT and knows how to spread it perfectly. Wanktastic!!!

MEMBER-17736 1031天前

Screenshot #5 is delicious! Cannot wait for my download to finish! So i can watch on my 60" 4k tv! The pussies look amazing when they're as big as your face!!

MEMBER-17284 1031天前

Great new model! Great video. Looking forward to more Anita Blanche.

MEMBER-19929 1031天前

Wow! For me this a perfect video - gorgeous girl, amazing body, seductive attitude, awesome pussy, great poses - thank you Jiri. You nailed it! A perfect example of why I’m a longtime member.

MEMBER-20414 1031天前

Sagenhaft - einfach sagenhaft! Ein neues supertolles Model!
PJ gibt vollgas! :-))
Hallo Anita - Ich/Wir heißen dich ❤willkommen bei PJ! :-)))
Dein Debut ist wundervoll! Ich/Wir hoffen, dass du noch gaaaanz laaange bei PJ bleibst und wir von dir noch viele tiefe Einblicke geniesen können! ❤ :-)) Thanks Anita, Thanks Jiri
Fabulous - simply fabulous! A new super great model!
PJ goes full throttle! :-))
Hello Anita - I/we ❤welcome you to PJ! :-)))
Your debut is wonderful! I/We hope that you will stay with PJ for a long, long time and that we can enjoy many more deep insights from you! ❤ :-)) Thanks Anita, Thanks Jiri

MEMBER-18615 1031天前

You've excelled yourselves with this beautiful model and her amazing cunt, guys!

MEMBER-20283 1030天前

Beautiful new model with a perfect pussy. I’m still wondering if the “thumbs downer” voter is on the right site.

MEMBER-20623 1011天前

She's too painfully thin for my liking I'm afraid

MEMBER-19658 991天前

lovely pussy, almost a pussy within a pussy. too bad she couldn't get it open from behind. and it's always such a drag when a beautiful woman ruins her body with implants.

MEMBER-19217 967天前

Anita has it all going on. Beautiful face, trim and fit body, and of course, a Gorgeous Cunt! Take care of yourself girl. You're a Stunner!

MEMBER-19929 861天前

Hey guys--any chance of Anita coming back?

MEMBER-22384 452天前

Lovely pussy, alluring eyes.




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