Inside Vivian - intro photo


Vivian has joined the celebs of our site by means of her capacious cunt that can reveal its inner delights with a mere tug of her pretty hands. She commences this video by demonstrating her superb gaping skills once more. Why limit the view to a mere gape however, when the addition of a speculum can show every luscious inner detail? And so... in we go! The first thing to be noted is Vivian's significant pussy tongue... a leftover perhaps from her virginal hymen. As we gaze deep inside, to her rich and glistening cervix, we see a delicious pool of cream gathered in her depths... a good indication that posing for PJG offers our models ample pleasure as well as work. As Vivian plunges the speculum in and our of her pussy like a dildo, the pussy cream continues to build making you positively want to lick your lips (or better still, hers). The close up view inside as her rippled walls undulate across the plastic bills is superb. Vivian concludes the proceedings by adding a little vibration to the scene - pressing the Hitachi to her clit. We don't quite get to orgasm here, so let's assume this is "to be continued".... the sooner the better!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE VIVIAN - 2022年3月4日.


时长: 10:25



子宫 美足 扩张 妇科检查 阴道扩张 鸭嘴器 自慰 跳蛋 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-19599 1092天前

Sorry, but I'd prefer if this site stays apolitical. The ongoing conflict has other reasons than just Putin beeing evil and wanting to conquer the world, and it has already started at least 8 years before. Just because the media don't tell you about something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In this world we must keep our eyes open, otherwise we will be the next pawns to be sacrificed in the next war in game that some rich people play.

MEMBER-20251 1092天前

@Testales - write a cogent statement to start with, otherwise we just see a bunch of gibberish.

MEMBER-18682 1091天前

Good to see more speculum videos! Keep it up!

ADMIN 1091天前

Testales, if you don't mind, we'll stay political in case of the Russian bastards. They occupied our country for 21 years and we did hear the same official reasons how they were "protecting" us from the evil west that we wanted to be part of. This is our site and our statements. End of story.

Dear customers, please keep the discussion related to the videos from now on ;-)

MEMBER-19678 1091天前

VIVIAN - du bist super - eine so junge Dame und dennoch eine so bemerkenswerte und markante Liebesgrotte mit herrlichen "uvula vaginales" - deine Pussy ist eine Kostbarkeit - wundervoll! ❤❤❤ Thanks Vivian, thanks Jiri
VIVIAN - you are great - such a young lady and yet such a remarkable and marked love grotto with wonderful "uvula vaginales" - your pussy is a treasure - wonderful! ❤❤❤ Thanks Vivian, thanks Jiri

MEMBER-20243 1088天前

So many lovely speculum videos recently incredible. And yes glad to stand our ground against those russian bastards

MEMBER-20623 1056天前


MEMBER-22821 725天前

I just returned here after being away a few years, love the new scenes and girls. It appears that you have really stepped up your game on photography! Great close ups and very well performed shows by these lovely women! I must say that Vivian is an excellent example, what a gorgeous well of woman juice she has building up there! I would give my left testicle to swallow every drop! Thanks!




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