Vaginal Folds - intro photo


Our newly qualified MILF enters this scene naked as a new born baby. With no need for introductions, she first presses her fingers against her inner walls before grasping a speculum and plunging it deep inside. Whilst Claudia's cervix doesn't make an appearance in this video, her rippled walls are displayed in glorious, rich detail - all framed by every beautiful inch of this gorgeous young woman. The views of her walls 3/4 of the way through are superb. Claudia finishes the video by once more inserting her fingers and showing us her lovely engorged breasts pressed between her tanned arms.

相应的美图资源如下: VAGINAL FOLDS - 2022年3月8日.


时长: 13:28



子宫 扩张 阴道扩张 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 修剪的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-18234 1100天前

Beautiful Claudia. X

MEMBER-19252 1100天前

hmm doesn't do anything for me. passed her used by date

MEMBER-19926 1100天前

What an incredibly disrespectful thing to say. Honestly, you should be ashamed.

Claudia is now and always has been on of my favourite models and I'm glad to see her getting continued updates on here!

MEMBER-19678 1100天前

I agree to 100% !!
Claudia, die Show ist superklasse! Die Geburt deines Babys hat deiner Pussy überhaupt nicht geschadet - ÜBERHAUPT NICHT - im Gegenteil, nun kommmt deine Lustgrotte erst recht zur Geltung - deine Muschi ist ein Juwel! ❤❤❤ Thanks Claudia, thanks Jiri
Claudia, the show is great! The birth of your baby didn't harm your pussy at all - NOT AT ALL - on the contrary, now your pleasure cave really comes into its own - your pussy is a jewel! ❤❤❤ Thanks Claudia, thanks Jiri

MEMBER-18682 1099天前

Thanks for the abundance of speculum videos, much appreciated!

MEMBER-20283 1099天前

I noticed three thumbs down votes and a negative comment. Maybe some members should consider a “Barely Legal” site. I think young and mature pussy is appropriate here if they are gapers. There’s been some younger models doing a fairly good job but didn’t have the elasticity of a true gaper. I hope some members keep in mind what the main topic is, “gaping pussy.” At least that’s what I think the main focus is.

MEMBER-19778 1098天前

An excellent video. I love the color and contrast it has, it makes it hyper-realistic, although a little more interior lighting would have been nice. As for Claudia, I can only say that being a mother has been great for her, I find her more beautiful than ever.




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