Luisa On The Staircase - intro photo


Welcome back Luisa - this time an elegant Lady in Red, perched upon the stairs. Shrugging her dress from her shoulders, she begins by playing with her neat little tits, her pert nipples rising to her touch and begging to be flicked by a willing tongue (oh so willing!). Turning around, we get to properly focus for the first time on Luisa's shapely ass, the cheeks of which she obligingly holds apart to reveal her inviting anus and delicious, pink pussy. This deserves the full 2 mins that Jiri allows for your study, before moving first to an upskirt view and then front on. However lovely a girl's rear view may be (and heaven knows, Luisa's is lovely) being able to gaze upon her lovely face, her pretty boobs AND her pussy has to take preference. Now sitting on the stairs, Luisa holds herself wide open to let you study every detail of her upper walls in a near perfect pussy show.

相应的美图资源如下: LUISA ON THE STAIRCASE - 2022年3月1日.


时长: 14:41



扩张 高跟鞋 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-19678 1029天前

Hallo Luisa, wenn sich einer so jungen Dame wie du es bist, bewusst ist, dass ihre Pussy eine sehr markante, erotische und absolut sehenswerte Preziose darstellt und uns deshalb daran teilhaben lässt, ist das einfach großartig von dir! ❤❤❤ Thanks Luisa, thanks Jiri!
Hello Luisa, when a young lady like you realizes that her pussy is a very distinctive, erotic and absolutely worth seeing treasure and therefore lets us share it, that's just great of you! ❤❤❤ Thanks Luisa, thanks Jiri!

MEMBER-19678 1029天前

Sehr geehrtes PJ-Team, vielen dank für die PJ-News-Nachricht! Ich bin zu 100% ihrer Meinung! Gleichzeitig SCHÄME ich mich mich als deutscher Bürger, wenn ich an den "Eiertanz" unserer Regierung denke, bis sie sich heute endlich entschieden hat, die Ukraine stärker zu unterstützen!
Dear PJ team, thank you very much for the PJ News message! I agree with you 100%! At the same time, as a German citizen, I am ASHAMED to think of our government's "egg dance" until it finally decided today to give more support to Ukraine!

MEMBER-18234 1028天前

Beautiful tall leggy girl x Thank you Luisa and Jiri.

MEMBER-20306 1028天前

One of the prettiest girls here - and what she shows us between her legs is all the more stunning because of it.

MEMBER-4899 1019天前

Perfect pussy show

MEMBER-20587 988天前

vilken vacker fitta hon har

MEMBER-15669 970天前

Wow amazing eye contact & smiling topped by brilliant pussy spreading. So sexy !!

MEMBER-26131 165天前

beutyfull girl and smoking hot pussy. like her tits alot to




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