Pretty Big Cunt - intro photo


Now I have to confess that I prefer to admire women just as god created them - with no part of their lovely bodies obscured by clothing. It has to be said however that an elegant lacy pair of stockings does add a certain je ne sais quoi... whether its the emphasis placed on the area above the legs from the framing or just some vintage association between stockings and eroticism - whatever.. it works, and none more so than with the beautiful Bee! Bee is indeed pretty as a picture, displaying her perfect ass and gorgeous pussy from a kitchen worktop. The view of her moist pink cunt are totally delicious from the first minute and this, otherwise delicate young lady, is very adept at holding herself wide open for our viewing pleasure. The screen-filling focus on her pussy towards the end of the video, showing every ripple of her walls and her urethra also in sharp relief, is gyno heaven... all topped by Bee's gorgeous smile. We remain lucky that Pretty Bee has chosen to share with us!

相应的美图资源如下: PRETTY BIG CUNT - 2021年11月30日.


时长: 15:50



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物 苗条



MEMBER-18234 1185天前

Lucky is fantastic. I love her smile and pleasant demeanour and that she looks happy throughout the set.
Lucky has a lovely face and eyes and looks like she enjoys sex very much.
Many more sets please Jiri.
Thank you Lucky and your sexy pink Omanko.

MEMBER-17736 1185天前

Damn. That was hot as fuck.

MEMBER-12338 1185天前

What a fantastic package! Small firm breasts and a flat belly, a pretty smile, a tight little asss and a great big box! It would be hard to ask for more!

MEMBER-19042 1184天前

Absolut super! 100 Punkte auf allen Ebenen! Ein super Modell, eine tolle Show - und - was für eine herrliche Liebesgrotte; eine Augenweide! ❤ Für diese geile Muschi kann man das Mädel nur beglückwünschen! ❤ Thanks Lucky, thanks Jiri !
Absolutely great! 100 points on all levels! A great model, a great show - and - what a wonderful love grotto; a feast for the eyes! ❤ We can only congratulate the girl for this hot pussy! ❤ Thanks Lucky, thanks Jiri!

MEMBER-17581 1184天前

YES.....Absolutely stunning....

MEMBER-18615 1184天前

More of this beautiful model and her sexy cunt, please!

MEMBER-19282 1183天前

Beautiful. More please!

MEMBER-19698 1172天前

After my subscription lapsed for a while, I've renewed my membership to see more of Lucky Bee's beautiful smile and stunning moist pink cunt which she spreads so well. I hope we see a lot more of her!

MEMBER-9337 1168天前


MEMBER-19772 1164天前

Superb video.
She has a massive cunt and spreads it wide for our perusal.
More of her please




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