Inside Charlie Nice - intro photo


The last view we enjoyed of Charlie was beneath - admiring her gorgeous outer form. This time, we get to appreciate the inside story! With a speculum prising her delicious cunt open for the majority of the video, we can see that Charlie isn't just Nice on the outside! Indeed, she has one of the most perfectly formed vaginas you can see on this site - and that is really saying something. Charlie's cervix marks a perfect "O"... fitting, as she demonstrates what a perfect O (orgasm) looks and sounds like in the latter part of the video. With the vibrator solidly applied to her clit, her first orgasm causes her muscles to contract so much that the speculum is squeezed out. When we zoom in closer however, the speculum holds to give us a magnificent view of het inner muscles flexing continually as she orgasms. This is more than nice Charlie - it's gorgeous!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE CHARLIE NICE - 2021年11月9日.


时长: 17:15



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 子宫 妇科检查 自慰 真实高潮 鸭嘴器 阴道收缩 玩具 跳蛋 修剪的 美穴 熟女 金发尤物



MEMBER-18234 1197天前

Charlie that was superb. I love that your pink top blends so well with the pretty pink hue of your beautiful Kunda.
I really enjoyed hearing you moaning and you have one of the prettiest cervix to grace this hallowed website.
I loved watching you cream up and seeing your cervix becoming more aroused.
By the end I was with you and was expelling my seed in support.
Thank you Jiri

MEMBER-17736 1197天前

Not huge into the cervix videos, but DAMN! She has a really beautiful cervix, my god! Very symmetrical, and circular! Sorta get why yall like this stuff hahaha.

MEMBER-14183 1197天前

Perfect cervix! Only her moaning is a little bit too much...

Ihr Muttermund ist perfekt! Nur ihr Gestöhne ist etwas übertrieben...

MEMBER-12338 1197天前

That was beautiful. You can tell that her orgasms were not faked, because you can watch the cervical os dilate a little as she begins to cum. Delicious to watch a woman so aroused...

I also wish I knew what Jiri said at 16:05, can you clue us in? :-)

ADMIN 1196天前

Jiri is asking if there will be another orgasm - but Charlie seems to be exhausted and wants to relax :-)

MEMBER-684 1193天前

Loved this, best video for a while.

MEMBER-19658 1144天前

that's about as pretty a cervix as i've seen. agree with clitlicker, the fake moaning detracts from the natural beauty, but otherwise a superb video.

MEMBER-22354 774天前

Nice and yummy cunt

MEMBER-24147 506天前

Her cervix is ​​just one of the most beautiful I've seen. It is a gift to us from God, or perhaps rather Jiri.




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