8th Month - intro photo


As a woman reaches her full term in pregnancy she blossoms - none more so than Claudia in her 8th month. As well as her beautiful swelling belly, we see rich, dark nipples atop full rounded breasts. Claudia allows us to revel in this gorgeous view as she rubs oil all over, making every lovely rounded inch glisten and shine. Having completed the massage of her torso, she delves deep into her pussy - opening her outer lips wide to show that it's not just her nipples that have become darker. Her swollen pussy is now a deep purple hue, displayed in fully glory as her fingers open her wide. Claudia concludes this superb video by masturbating in an upright position so that we can fully appreciate not only this beautiful girl pleasuring herself, but also her full pregnant form. Just one month to go beautiful Claudia... please try to fit us in with a final video (just) before you give birth.

相应的美图资源如下: 8TH MONTH - 2021年11月4日.


时长: 19:27



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MEMBER-19333 1220天前

Any chance we can get a speculum/cervix video before she pops? And even after if she ever does this again... Amazing! Thank you Claudia and thank you PJGirls! :)

MEMBER-18234 1220天前

Thank you Claudia. You are so pretty and sexy. I love looking at you and seeing you spread... Thank you Jiri.

MEMBER-14183 1220天前

All the best to Claudia and her baby!
Would love to look at her cunt again after the birth.
I'm sure that it will be a fantastic sight.
Please Claudia, keep spreading your hole for your fans!

MEMBER-18000 1220天前

With a cunt that size the baby will slide out. I would like to see her cunt after the birth to see how big and wide it is.

MEMBER-19042 1220天前

Also, - von der ruppigen Ausdruckweise meiner Vorredner möchte ich mich nun doch distanzieren.
Hallo Claudia, das ist ja toll, dass wir von dir nochmal deine herrliche Liebesmuschel zu sehen bekommen, so kurz vor der Niederkunft! Das ist wirklich super von dir! Nochmals alles Gute für dich und dein Baby! ❤
Hier nochmal die Ankündigigung von Admin:
"There will be another video in her 9th month... and another one after the childbirth - you will see how her cunt increases in size."
So, - I would now like to distance myself from the gruff expressions of the previous speakers.
Hello Claudia, it's great that we get to see your wonderful love shell again from you, so shortly before the birth! That's really great of you! Once again all the best for you and your baby! ❤
Here again the announcement from Admin:
"There will be another video in her 9th month ... and another one after the childbirth - you will see how her cunt increases in size."

MEMBER-18682 1219天前

A speculum video wold be nice!

MEMBER-15193 1219天前

My favorite lady on here. Thank you Claudia and Jiri.

MEMBER-19252 1214天前

Any chance we can see the baby pop out? Would be awesome to see her cunt stretched to the max

MEMBER-19710 1137天前

That might just possibly infringe the baby's right to privacy. Don't you think?

MEMBER-20536 1002天前

just how sexy is claudia

MEMBER-24147 539天前

Claudia is just the nicest thing there is. Showing us her sweet hole in the eighth month is class.
I wish I was the father of the child.




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