Mature Super Cunt - intro photo


Well boys (and girls?) this is a version of Snow White as you've never seen it before. Perhaps it's where Snow White would have finished up had she spent 20 years accommodating the needs of 7 dwarves (all at once). This mature babe has a pussy built for maximum accommodation and, as she shows throughout this video, maximum stretching. When Jiri zooms in close on this cavernous cunt, it would seem to give the Sarlacc (remember from Return of the Jedi?) a run for it's money. No doubt SW will return to further demonstrate the full extent of her gaping capabilities - as only a woman of real experience can.

相应的美图资源如下: MATURE SUPER CUNT - 2021年10月5日.


时长: 17:22



扩张 美足 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 成年 红发



ADMIN 1235天前

(Yes, we know this is a slightly controversial model, most our customers seem to prefer young girls but look at the size of the cunt... it's HUGE :-) I'm sure most people will appreciate this video.

MEMBER-18388 1235天前

I'm in love!!

MEMBER-18388 1235天前

Ohh Admin.. she is awesome! Mature women are often so amazing! all the experience and full blossoming.

MEMBER-18388 1235天前

I'd love to see my load splash down her well. What a magnificent and beautiful slightly hairy asshole - I love that. Love how wide and deep we can see down her well at the end. Who wouldn't love to see their load shoot down that well? Splashing all along her walls as it went down to the bottom.

MEMBER-17736 1235天前

Age is just a number ;) and I have to agree. That cunt is HUUUGE!!! I'm absolutely head over heels in love with this woman. Please have her back for lots of shoots. Get her the Pj treatment; two chairs, on the stairs, etc. Omg! I cant wait to beat my meat to this mature pussy.

MEMBER-18388 1235天前

Me too @Tapeworm53.. I'm warming up my cock right now.

MEMBER-18692 1235天前

I worship huge pussies and this video give me what I like most of all. Big ripe fleshy vagina in perfection. Love all pink meaty details inside her widestretch pussy. Just imagine how many cocks have been inside her wellused vagina. Looking forward for more of her wideopen cunt. Now its time to wank....

MEMBER-9337 1235天前

I enjoy all the models on this site. Young, old, tight, loose - never met a pussy I didn't like. Can't wait to see the next one filling my screen.

MEMBER-19195 1235天前

Oh, what a stunning cunt! Predestined for a fisting video.

MEMBER-19100 1234天前

what a great pussy!!! More!!

MEMBER-19006 1234天前

Now you can invite Raisawetsx to do a challenge of supercunt !

MEMBER-13648 1234天前

Love the way she pulls open her big meaty pussy for spectacular views. Cant wait to see her gaping on the staircase.

MEMBER-18873 1234天前


MEMBER-19021 1234天前

Do you really think that this mature girl is attractive ?
May be i'm abnormal but i don't like this show at all

MEMBER-18710 1234天前

So it is entirely possible to ask Andrea Ann to become a Model, when this mature Woman can be featured here. Some time ago I asked for her to be featured, but Admin told me she is too old and ugly Great, huge pussies is what attracts most of the users here. And this Model got it, so does Andrea Ann. She also is able to prolapse her cervix like no one else:

MEMBER-18710 1234天前

Snow Whites cunt is beautiful big and loose. I wish you guys would feature more women like her.

MEMBER-19042 1234天前

Hallo Snow White! Welch eine wunderbare Fügung, dass du dich für PJ entschieden hast, - HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN! ❤ :-)
Deine Pussy-Show zum Einstand ist famos! Ich bin absolut begeistert! Es ist ein Genuss und eine Augenweide, deine Milf-Pussy bewundern zu dürfen, mein Pseudonym steht nicht umsonst dafür! :-) Einfach herrlich deine Lustgrotte! ❤
Thanks Snow White, Thanks Jiri!
Hello Snow White! What a wonderful coincidence that you have chosen PJ, - WELCOME! ❤ :-)
Your debut pussy show is fantastic! I am absolutely thrilled! It is a pleasure and a feast for the eyes to be able to admire your milf pussy, my pseudonym does not stand for it for nothing! :-) Your pleasure grotto is simply wonderful! ❤
Thanks Snow White, Thanks Jiri!

MEMBER-5552 1234天前

Thanks I love mature pussies, hope there is more to come. Would be great to see her with a gaping assistant. I want to see how a young girl is spreading that cunt and looking inside... or two mature cunts showing their cunt spreading experience

MEMBER-19042 1234天前

Hey Admin, Snow White ist ein absoluter Glücksgriff in die Welt der weiblichen Erotik! Hoffentlich bleibt uns dieses wunderbare Milf-Model noch lange erhalten. Snow White mit ihrer herrlichen Lusthöhle hätte es verdient, sie in noch vielen Show-Varianten genießen zu können! :-))
Hey Admin, Snow White is an absolute stroke of luck in the world of female erotic! Hopefully this wonderful milf model will stay with us for a long time. Snow White with its wonderful pleasure cave deserves to be able to enjoy it in many more show variants! :-))

MEMBER-18615 1234天前

More of this gorgeous cunt please!

ADMIN 1234天前

LOOSEPUSSY - the main problem with Andrea Ann is that we didn't know how to contact her I think. All the models must be contacted via their agents/agencies but I don't know who Andrea Ann belongs to, I think we didn't find her.

Secondly, MILFs are always controversial. Everybody likes young girls but if a woman is 40 years old there will always be a group of 20-30% customers who won't like her. So it's risky. Sometimes the cunt is so good that it's worth it. Sometimes it's a mistake (as we've learnt in the past :-)

MEMBER-5552 1233天前

@admin sure there are always people who dont like older woman, but i dont remember there was a mistake with a mature woman on this site. Everyone was unique and sexy. For me there could be one milf every month :-) Just call it the milf-monday. When everybody knows that this is the monthly milf and its part of the website "program", i think guys will accept it :-) This website should focus on big pussies in all ages, not only young ones.

MEMBER-19042 1233天前

@LOKOLO123, das ist eine super Idee, da schließe ich mich natürlich sofort an! Ich würde sogar sagen zwei Milfs pro Monat. Das wäre meiner Meinung nach nicht zuviel, wenn ich mir hier das aktuell rege Interesse und die Begeisterung ansehe - und diejenigen die beim Anblick einer "erwachsenen Pussy" Albträume bekommen, sollen sich am "Milf-Montag" die Sesamstraße ansehen! :-))))
@ LOKOLO123, that's a great idea, so of course I'll be right there with you! I would even say two milfs a month. In my opinion, that would not be too much if I look at the current lively interest and enthusiasm here - and those who get nightmares at the sight of an "adult pussy" should take a look at Sesame Street on "Milf Monday"! :-))))

MEMBER-18710 1233天前

Andrea Ann can be contacted via Brittany Bardot. I like the Idea of a Milf Monday, to be honest. You have plenty of young Models here, there is surely room for a great Milf once in a while

MEMBER-17162 1233天前

To be quite frank - I really would like to see some teens now. There has been quite a lot of mature and Milfs lately. Where are the young ones?

MEMBER-19161 1233天前

Good to see variety in the models and always appreciate the widest spreads. Snow White easily hits both. Nice!

MEMBER-19264 1232天前

This is gorgeous. Thanks Admin for this juicy hole. This video brought me back... Have been away for a while. Feels good to be back!!!

MEMBER-17142 1232天前

This chick is 41? She´s had quite a busy life. She looks like someone in her late 50s...
Anyway, great pussy! I wish I could double fist that huge cunt till her cervix prolapses!

MEMBER-19174 1231天前

Love this pussy! A 2 mature stretching contest would be great!

MEMBER-19304 1228天前

Cannot understand the thumbs-down votings - this mature model is one of the reason for renewing my membership.
My wish to Jiří : Please hold the line for looking to mature aged women who are willing to expose and spread their large worn-out cunts.

MEMBER-8185 1216天前

What a beautiful mature fuckhole Snow White has. More mature women please!

MEMBER-20283 1093天前

Since I just returned back to PJ Girls I definitely have to give my opinion about Snow. I think this is a beautiful mature woman and definitely has earned her spot to be a regular model. Please bring her back with plenty of unassisted gaping pussy, especially from behind with her ass straight towards the camera and trying to show all her insides.




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