Silvia & Gizmo - intro photo


With a little more makeup than before, we find one of our newest hotties on the couch. She has such a gift between her legs that we must exploit to the max. She combines some of the pussy gaping techniques from her previous works. There are some light spreads and some deeper gapes here to go along with the very in depth gizmo gaping. You really get to see everything her interior has to offer. It is quite amazing how many shapes a women's fotzenloch can take. She has that bumpy looking top wall of her pussy, which is emphasized when her hole is only open from the front. When she sticks her fingers in and gapes all the way, you can still kind of see that rigid pattern. Once the gizmo is in, she is all the way stretched open and the bumpy part is gone. Seriously hot stuff here.

相应的美图资源如下: SILVIA & GIZMO - 2021年6月5日.


时长: 17:27



巨大玩具 极限 扩张 阴道扩张 特殊玩具 美足 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-17792 1367天前

Her titties are to die for! (drool drool). Just like Sisi's under the bridge. Just as hot as their gaping cunts.

MEMBER-17568 1367天前

What happened to the pussycam, haven’t seen a video of pussycam for awhile. The last pussycam video was in January. It’s would be great if Silvia use it.

MEMBER-18145 1367天前

Silvia Black + PJ - welch eine hervorragende "Liaison" ! GIZMO im Einsatz! Das gab es zuletzt vor über einem Jahr!! Ein wunderbares Video! Während ein Speculum den direkten Blick auf die Cervix ermöglicht, und ggf. Muskelkontraktionen zu erkennen sind, gibt es eben noch andere, sehr geeignete Tool's, um die "innneren Werte" einer Muschi auf sehr erregende Weise zur Geltung zu bringen! Gizmo sollte wieder etwas öfter zum Einsatz kommen! Ich jedenfalls bin begeistert! Thanks Silvia für die herrlichen Einblicke; thanks Jiri!!
Silvia Black + PJ - what an excellent "liaison"! GIZMO in action! The last time it was over a year ago !! A wonderful video! While a speculum enables a direct view of the cervix and muscle contractions can be recognized, there are other, very suitable tools to bring out the "inner values" of a pussy in a very exciting way! Gizmo should be used a little more often again! Anyway, I'm thrilled! Thanks Silvia for the wonderful insights; thanks Jiri !!

MEMBER-17357 1367天前

So glad to see the gizmo back in action after too long! Silvia has the best meaty CUNT for this device, and it shows off her pink folds to perfection. I love the contrast of hard metal and soft CUNTmeat!

MEMBER-12153 1365天前

Please do some new girl-girl fisting and gaping scenes and haven't seen a bonus since early April.

ADMIN 1365天前

OPENWIDE: You forgot to say if you enjoyed this video. [Jiri]

MEMBER-15651 1365天前

This one is great! Some great shots. Silvia is a great model.

MEMBER-10886 1365天前

Looks like it's a good one! I wonder if we'll see the "spreader" (like tongs) toy again someday, always my fav...

MEMBER-18054 1364天前

I love it! Go gizmo!




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