Sexy Lady - intro photo


Alejandra Milagroso is thick. She is the kind of model that rides the line between thick and plus size, while not being plus at all. She has some very nice curves and some darker features. She has the black hair and bronzed skin of someone who is perhaps Spanish. That is just a wild guess here. She is plentiful in both the tittie and ass regions and is the kind of chick you would have a ton to grab on to if you were banging her. Her pussy on the other hand is very tiny. It is the kind of slit that seems to be sucked up inside her a little and takes some serious skill to unravel. She does it with mild results, not really getting too much of a spread. I really like how tidy she is down there, with a very well looked after nether region. Her butt and pussy both look like they are well taken care of, and that matters when our camera man has to be in close contact.


时长: 11:05



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤 丰满的 厚重



MEMBER-18145 1415天前

Auch die etwas "üppigeren" Formen, können durchaus ihre Reize haben. Trotz ihrer Jugendlichkeit, sieht Ihre Pussy jedenfalls sehr vielversprechend aus! Ich bin gespannt was wir noch zu sehen bekommen!

MEMBER-17949 1415天前

A little bacon on the ribs doesn't do any harm -
Notice to Jiří: Please instruct the girls to smile a little while shooting.

MEMBER-15042 1415天前

Sexy lady indeed! Looking forward to see more of her and her enticing pussy.

MEMBER-17055 1415天前

Well, since I like pussies either very open, like gyno, or closed and untouched, my favorite part of the video is when she pulls up her skirt and I see her pussy and belly, they seem so soft ... well, I dont want to fall for this.
Reminder to the owners of the website: last month there were two gyno videos just at the end of the month, if that were not enough, only one of them with a complete view. I was expecting compensation in this one, but as we are going, today is the 14th and there is nothing, I think the same thing will happen, so for me being in this place would no longer make so much sense.

ADMIN 1415天前

catalmejas: we'll be sorry to see you go but we will try to overcome this loss. The comments section will never be the same again without you.

I think a speculum video will be published today (or tomorrow with today's date).

ADMIN 1415天前

cuntspecht - I totally agree with your point, sadly the answer is always the same: "the girls behave naturally, I don't want to force them because then it looks weird". Sadly even some of the top models don't smile and I don't like that either, I think smile wouldn't hurt but I keep reminding Jiri an there's not much he can do, he says the girls simply don't smile in real life and look weird then they try to pretend to smile during the videoshoot...

MEMBER-18145 1415天前

Dass die Girls zu wenig lächeln, oder gar zu wenig leidenschaftlich sein sollen, - das kann man auch manchmal lesen, - sehe ich so nicht! Ich meine, die Models konzentrieren sich auf ihre "Pussy-Arbeit" und das kann schließlich auch fordernd sein, um - vor laufender Kamera - gewissen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden ! Once again - thanks Girls, thanks Jiri!!
That the girls should smile too little or even be too little passionate - you can read that sometimes - I don't see it that way! I mean, the models concentrate on their "pussy work" and that can be demanding in order to - in front of the camera - meet certain demands! Once again - thanks Girls, thanks Jiri !!

MEMBER-14949 1414天前

The best smile is the vertical smile :-)

MEMBER-18086 1414天前

Thankyou for finding new ladies for us to admire! Always fun to see someone new!

MEMBER-14183 1364天前

The girls are great at showing their pussy lips smiling.

MEMBER-20536 1084天前

lovely girl with beautiful large boobs and a small tight pussy

MEMBER-20536 1053天前

beautiful and sexy
its not until she leans over and spreads her butt cheejs can her open tight pussy be seen

MEMBER-27242 72天前

This is "thick" in Europe? lol Anyway she is fine.




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