Folds And Ripples Everywhere - intro photo


Asdis Loren has 24 videos on this site. That makes her a pretty prolific pussy previewer. What else can be said about her? She has one of the widest holes on the site, and the least amount of shame. She spreads that thing wide. I have honestly seen her do this so much that I could just tell it was her by the inside of her hole. I literally ID'ed her by her cooch. She has some of the curviest assets on our site with some huge tits and a growing ass and thighs. Seriously she seems to add some thickness every now and again. We get some of her world famous finger gaping and a lot of speculum work here. We even catch a glimpse of the cervix.

相应的美图资源如下: FOLDS AND RIPPLES EVERYWHERE - 2021年2月6日.


时长: 17:54



扩张 子宫 阴道扩张 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-17055 1478天前

New installment of the saga: Kitchens and stairs. The first cervix video of the month, ending February and the truth is that it has disappointed me a bit. The discomfort of the place, with that semi-open leg position, insufficient for a correct view inside the speculum, has not allowed us to enjoy the full potential of this model, a pity. It seems that I have not returned at the best time.

ADMIN 1477天前

Tell me Catalmejas, what makes certain people eternally dissatisfied?


MEMBER-15717 1477天前

@CATALMEJAS , I agree with you, if the cervix show is longer, the better this video will be.

MEMBER-17055 1477天前

I am completely satisfied with most of the videos on this site, but most are from some time ago, the recent ones I found Lexi's very good and I made it known in my comment. I am very sorry that comments that are not so positive are not properly accepted, I try to provide feedback and it is still my opinion, I don't think I have to change it because someone does not like it, just like you do with your videos.
Greetings again.

MEMBER-15815 1477天前

WOW - Asdis - Danke! Deine Pussy-Show ist, - zumindest für mich, - absolut großartig! Einmal mehr zeigst du uns deine herrliche Liebeshöhle mit all den wunderbaren Einzelheiten die so himmlisch schön anzuschauen sind! Besonders für die Anwendung des Spekulums in Querlage möchte ich mich bei dir bedanken; das bringt deine Scheidenwülste mit ihren "Rugae Vaginalis" ganz besonders zur Geltung, - eine Augenweide für mich!
Hey Admin - Ally, Asdis, Yazmin ...Ich bin im Paradies! Das ist genau das, was mein Doktor mir verschrieben hat, - ich kann nur nirgends das Rezept einlösen!!! :-))) :-)))

MEMBER-12703 1477天前

Just perfect! :D

ADMIN 1477天前

CATALMEJAS - I think Jiri can accept criticism if it's reasonable. There has been a demand for a speculum video, we published it a couple days ago and somebody complained the cervix wasn't visible. OK, we published a speculum video WITH cervix and now you complain about the KITCHEN that is - according to you - an unfomcortable place. The reality can't be far from the truth - it's a comfortable place for the girl, it's very well lit and this position is one of the best to achieve the best look inside. Jiri has been working in this huge villa and testing all possible filming spots for three years now.

MEMBER-17357 1477天前

Every video is a gift, every girl a joy, every spread cunt a window into heaven. Thank you, Jiri, for making the best cunt-focused porn available anywhere. Variety is the spice of life and I can never get enough new views of gorgeous, gorgeous cunts!

MEMBER-17417 1477天前

This video is excellent. Wonderful gaping at the beginning and good cervix shots.

@Admin, would there be a possibility of setting up a PJGirls forum? That way users like Catalmejas and others can express their dissatisfaction there? It may also be an excellent place of getting regular feedback (the sort you may only expect from polls) as well as suggestions etc.?

ADMIN 1477天前

We considered the forum when launching the improved PJGirls website a couple years ago but we abandoned that idea. The amount of people discussing here is relatively low, it's usually 15-20 names and this kind of platform is sufficient for that, most videos have 10-15 comments in average. And we can handle occasional negative feedback (mainly because 95% of feedback is positive) but complaining about the cameraman's kitchen or about the invisibility of cervix (if the girl is too tight - which is unfortunate but does happen sometimes) is IMHO not constructive. We would love to have an even better location and only the best looking young girls with natural tits and wide deep cunts but wishes and reality in this business often differ :-)

MEMBER-17055 1477天前

Dear Administrator and Jiri:

I want to start by saying that if I am on this site it is because, like the other users, I think it is one of the best you can find on the internet in this category and I hope I can continue on it as long as I can or they leave me.

Now, and without the intention of entering into eternal discussions, I have been able to appreciate a negative evolution in the last videos. Obviously, the image quality is second to none now and I find the girls all great, I have never looked down on any or commented on anything about it, in fact, I love the variety, with better and worse physiques, just like in real life.

The issue is that I consider, and it is only my opinion, that the videos seem to have entered an uncreative loop, where there is little variety of scenarios (kitchen, stairs mainly), toys, postures and dynamism in general (some videos are not far from of his captures), you just have to take a look back to appreciate it.

As for the speculum videos I can say the same, now there seems to be less and when there are, I can't see the quality of their predecessors, they remain unfinished, without being what they could have been. In the case of Asdis for example, it is a shame not to have had a complete vision when she has a video where she is able to get two hands.

Finally, I want to say that, what I would never consider constructive, is to stay only with positive comments and not take into account or reject those of another type, this only leads to staying in the comfortable zone and can even lead to a negative evolution.

I hope I have clarified everything I think with respect. Keep doing what you think is convenient. Thank you very much for your videos.

Greetings, again.

MEMBER-14886 1477天前

IMHO All girls are different and if they want to share with us, that is just awesome and we are thanked. Also thanks to you guys team for reviewing the comments and always taking our opinion into consideration.
As personal experience many other websites dont even let you post before reviwing the comments and they dont even care about customer's experience.
This is actually my favorite website for many reasons since I discover it back in 2017.

MEMBER-12338 1477天前

CATALMEJAS, I read your comments from start to finish, and while I agree with your "Finally"statement regarding comfort zones, etc, may I make an observation, please?

There is an old saying that goes "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". It means that you can get better results if you say what you mean more sweetly. So words like "disappointed", "discomfort", and "insufficient" are all vinegar that sting.

I often tell my wife "please, don't tell me what you _don't_ want, tell me what you _do_ want." If I say "what would you like for dinner?" and she says "I don't want Thai food", this does not help me at all! I can give her what she wants, but only if I know what it is. If she only tells me what she doesn't want, what can I do? And how do I feel?

So I am not arguing with your feelings or opinions, just the way you said them. I think everyone on this site... if you have a complaint or a suggestion, put it in terms of what you _want_, not what you don't like.

I will give you an concrete example... a long time ago, I talked with the Admins about labia pulls. I asked "can you try this, please?". Now many of the sets have the models doing this, and everyone seems to really like it. I told them what I wanted (not what I didn't like), and the honey did not sting.

Not every request is answered with a "yes", but asking nicely instead of complaining is a much better way to increase the odds :-)

ADMIN 1477天前

CATALMEJAS - the scenarios will always be repetitive. Let me describe the current situation in our country. We're the worst in covid in the world "thanks" to our government and also thanks to our fellow citizens who underestimate the pandemia. Only thanks to our free world-class health system this country hasn't collapsed yet. And why am I saying this? Because:

- it's forbidden to rent an apartment or a hotel room (hotels and restaurants are closed)
- it's forbidden to work as a photographer (with other people than own family)
- and it will be worse (a total lockdown is planned for the next 3-4 weeks)

Of course in the combination of the cold weather outside it means that Jiri is filming videos semi-ilegally in his rented villa and that's all he can do. And the villa is huge, there are plenty of rooms, stairways, indoor swimming pool, outdoor terrace etc. Plenty of "micro locations" suitable for filming and the kitchen was picked in this case because of the good light and because in the corner of the kitchen the model can spread her legs easily. So the location was good in terms of technical aspects (light) and also in terms of the model's comfort. It wasn't a random location, it was picked for this purpose.

We cannot compete with big sites whose dozens of employees are filming beauty queens somewhere at the seaside. This is not gonna happen. We're still basically a one-man site and just the one rented Prague villa costs more than one third of our total income. It's not meant as an excuse, just an explanation :-)

MEMBER-4899 1477天前

It's all a matter of taste. I also have my favorite videos: frontal shots. And if these recordings always take place on the stairs or in the kitchen, that's exactly to my taste. I also love the settings where the camera is positioned below the cunt. I don't need alternating locations because i want to see open pussies. And pjgirls is for me 100% right. Keep it up Jiri.

MEMBER-11825 1476天前

Got to watch this video. I coulda stayed on the spread for ages maybe tickle the folds with a fork (erm whoever is filming) this was a fun vid

MEMBER-8185 1475天前

I can't get enough of this hot sexy gaping babe!

MEMBER-12239 1473天前

Thanks for doing the work in such hard times, guys. Always great to see speculum/pussycam videos.

MEMBER-18101 1390天前

Oh my God What a beautyful CUNT stretch wide Open. Wanna bury my face Into her delicious CUNTFLESH and inhale her pussyaroma for hours. Thanks to Asdis and Jiri for this great pusssyshow

MEMBER-18107 1386天前

喜歡10:1討厭 不需要去理會1 永遠都有鬧事的

MEMBER-20002 1130天前

Die perfekte Fotzenhöhle für eine Gangbangbesamung ;)




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