Ariela &  Sharlotte  - intro photo


I know a lot of people were waiting for these models to reverse roles, and for Sharlotte to take the hot seat. As you can see, she has plenty of ass for Ariela Donovan to cup with her hands. You can see the look on her face as she explores a hot youthful body with her eyes. Sharlotte Thorne has a tight pussy and she does fairly well when it comes to presenting it. Ariela Donovan enhances the view by assisting with a hand. We have found that this leads to some of the best gaping. Each girl takes a side and they pull that little fotzenloch as wide as is comfortable. We take in all of the pink flesh and the clit, lips and peehole. Sharlotte is a very tidy gal and you can appreciate it when we zoom all the way in. Up close you will notice how smooth her skin is and how tidy her crotch and anus area are. There are some frontal rear and sideways views of the action here. Oddly enough, Sharlotte might have gaped more deeply on her own. I suppose Ariela Donovan wanted to be gentle and Sharlotte will have appreciated that.


时长: 15:36



扩张 女-女 阴道扩张 高跟鞋 美足 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤 金发尤物 苗条



MEMBER-17074 1535天前

Why does every scene on this site have to have the 45 degree camera angle which is totally unwatchable and ruins the scene?
Also, there are a lot of hands and fingers in the way in a lot of the scenes which, again, spoils them?

ADMIN 1535天前

The 45 degree camera angle is the cameraman's decision for the best angle. My assumption is that it's the best angle because you can still see the model's face without having to film "vertically".

Hands and fingers are there to spread the pussy. Without them it wouldn't work, you know...

MEMBER-17074 1534天前

Thank you for your answer, I was not expecting a reply!
Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you.
There is no need to film 'vertically' to get in the model's face, the camera simply needs to move lower down, keeping it 'square' and real without the need to change the camera angle. Every scene that I have randomly watched has this 45 degree angle at some point in the film?
Let me give an example of one particular part of a scene that has not been filmed at an angle but has got in the model's face.
Page 34-Lexi Dona-Big Black.
At 4.54 the image is nice and 'square' but straight away it turns to 45 degrees to zoom in? Why?
At 5.23 it 'squares' up again and at 5.34 the camera moves lower and gets in the model's face without changing the angle, proving that the whole of the scene could be filmed this way.
On a positive note, you have some great model's and scenes but I just cannot enjoy the constant angle changes?

ADMIN 1534天前

I'm afraid I can't answer on behalf of the cameraman because I don't know the answer. It's probably his style of filming - over the 8 years of constant filming gaping scenes he has developed his own style which (I believe) is the best in this particular niche. There are some more websites offering this kind of content but I believe we're the best (in terms of lights or camera work). There are sites with better looking models and scenarios but I'm quite confident Jiri is the gaping master.

(But I'm pretty sure it's the reason that I had mentioned... the more vertically you turn the camera the more fits into the frame vertically and if the face is above the pussy then turning camera by 45 degrees is a logical step and I would do it too... of course if the face was more to the side or if the model was filmed from behind it wouldn't be necessary).

MEMBER-17074 1534天前

Thank you for your reply.
My point is that I have not seen other movies filmed with unnecessary, frequent angle changes as yours have, which, I think, ruins them?

MEMBER-15815 1534天前

Meine Herren - ich bin nun kein Kameraprofi, aber was ich zu sehen bekam gefällt mir ausgezeichnet! :-)

Gentlemen - I'm not a camera professional now, but I really like what I saw! :-)

MEMBER-15651 1534天前

I have to agree with evets3007. The dutch angle shots are in general irritating. Why? Because it impacts your recognition of the image, and with this type of video, recognition of what's in the image is important. I can see doing it for variety, but I don't know if we need that kind of variety in these videos.

MEMBER-17074 1534天前

Thank you Darkenergy for your comment. You are absolutely right.
Recognition of the image is the sole reason why we are here!

MEMBER-14396 1533天前

I like when both pretty face and pretty pussy are in the picture, as close as possible. Not a fan of angled views though, maybe make those interludes, not extended 1m+ shots.

Btw I wish those diagonal shots would be used more often for 'up close full pussy shots', filmed from the side, with the clit top left and the hole bottom right. Those are sweet 'in between' shots (and also a good time to pull the majora).

MEMBER-16966 1532天前

Every photographer has their own style. Personally, I don't mind the angles that Jiri uses to film the content, as long as not used throughout the entire scene (which Jiri doesn't usually do.)

ADMIN 1532天前

OK, guys, I discussed it with Jiri today and he explained that it's his style. He's an artist, he has been using the 45-degree style since the beginning of PJGirls and he intends to keep using it. Case closed :-)

MEMBER-16279 1494天前

Hint Hint: These days you got mobile devices which you can turn easily as you like. The angled views make best use of the available screen area, I like it. Only if switched forth and back too often it can become stressful.

MEMBER-17792 1420天前

I don't care about angles. Just as long as the cunts are front and centre

MEMBER-19540 1225天前

Beautiful dark haired and tattooed Sharlotte Thorne is for sure a new fav here on PJ Girls!




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