Emo Style Girl - intro photo


A lot of people grew wishing they had a gothic chick, but not many of us ever saw one so hot as Sharlotte Thorne. She has the black hair and the dark lip stick and everything else that makes her look the part. I mean, if you have a snake tattoo that wraps around your leg you are probably metal as fuck. She is a very fit model with some very smooth skin. You will be surprised at how smooth her skin is around her pussy and ass. Even when zoomed in on her bits (like above) it is surprising how nice her ass legs and pussy look. That pussy though, that thing is a man eater. It is a smallish hole and we haven't seen her gape it too much. But regardless she has such nice lips and a cute little clit. She only does frontal views and mostly holds that position that we see above.

相应的美图资源如下: EMO STYLE GIRL - 2020年12月31日.


时长: 12:37



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤



MEMBER-14183 1520天前

I love clips that explicitly feature the girls clits. So sexy when Sharlotte exposes her love pearl to us.

Ich liebe ja Clips, in denen die Kitzler der Mädels gezeigt werden. So sexy when Sharlotte ihre Liebesperle streichelt und ausgiebig betrachten lässt.

MEMBER-15651 1520天前

Sharlotte (was Charlotte) is a very attractive girl, but this makeup job does not do her justice. Thumbs down! Also, the camera angle from down below is not very flattering.

MEMBER-16789 1520天前

What a lovely clit. Would love to play with that sweet lovebutton

MEMBER-15815 1520天前

Ein wunderschöner Jahresauftakt! Die verführerische Schlange zeigt uns ihre "Liebesmuschel" und kredenzt ihre Lustperle!

Ich wünsche euch allen - PJ-Crew, PJ-Girls und allen Usern dieser "Master of gaping Seite", - ein Gutes neues Jahr und viel Gesundheit und ich hoffe, dass wir hier noch viele schöne Dinge genießen können!

I wish you all - PJ-Crew, PJ-Girls and all users of this "Master of Gaping Site" - a happy new year and good health and I hope that we can still enjoy many beautiful things here!

MEMBER-15042 1520天前

A big thanks for all the beautiful girls and their pussies, and big thanks for the marvellous videos that has supplied us with so much joy in this otherwise horrible year. Thank you PJGirls, and keep up the good work!

ADMIN 1520天前

Thanks so much, guys!

MEMBER-5552 1514天前

Only one cam view from below. I wish for 2021 Jiri comes back to 20 minutes videos with more variations in cam angles.

MEMBER-16279 1496天前

I totally like that gothic style appearance, it's something different. A nice gothic girl now and than would be great!

MEMBER-11060 1478天前

Like the real-world lighting here.

MEMBER-17792 1389天前

Her cunthole is large and gapes open quickly. Natural!!! Disappointed though for the lack of closeness to her gaping hole. Nice to sniff her clit but not the same to me.

MEMBER-19540 1174天前

Can't ever get enough of beautiful Sharlotte Thorne. Her heavy makeup/goth look is so f*cking perfect! Very seducing eyes too :D

MEMBER-19325 1158天前

Is it possible to bring her back?

MEMBER-23263 658天前

vad underbart att få se fittan




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