Speculum in Motion - intro photo


Here is a model that proves to us that some women don't mind taking in a speculum. Some of them seem to be uncomfortable when they take one in. Sydney Love here has been in more than a few videos where there is either a camera or a speculum shoved all the way in to here. We had more than a few opportunities to check out her insides. She has that look to her like a little innocent angel, but it is a total ruse. She is naughty as hell and this footage proves it. Instead of making a video about cumming with the speculum, we made this one about the pussy on display. Sydney Love just works the speculum in and out and mesmerizes us with in the act. We can watch her pussy shrink and expand around the tool as our camera takes it all in up close and personal. It is our style to see everything and to not miss a beat. Her pussy is looking nice and pink though there is a little bit of blood to be seen.

相应的美图资源如下: SPECULUM IN MOTION - 2020年12月17日.


时长: 15:28



子宫 扩张 妇科检查 美足 阴道扩张 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤



MEMBER-16722 1557天前

I love how her 3 holes are in full display

MEMBER-15473 1557天前

Welcome back Sydney. Always great to have this pretty girl on the site.
Sydney has a super magic honeypot and it is so very appealing and pink. I love how we can see her pretty cervix and her rippled walls and that it looks well lubricated. It is a super looking quim. Thank you Sydney and Jiri.

MEMBER-11825 1557天前

A sounding would do well here but of course they gotta want to do that...

MEMBER-4698 1557天前

Great speculum movie. Thanks! Sydney is always great.

MEMBER-15878 1556天前

Not a big fan of the tattoos, but she is one of the prettiest models on the site. Great video.

MEMBER-14510 1555天前

Was hoping she had a vibrator and orgasmed for us but absolutely love Sydney and this had so many great closeups and placements of the speculum.Possibly a Tabitha Poison speculum or the Charlette would be lovely

MEMBER-6860 1554天前

The gaping part was good, the speculum part I don´t like it

MEMBER-15815 1554天前


MEMBER-16879 1545天前


MEMBER-17145 1543天前

Hot Hot Hot !! I love it that the are 3 speculum vids . she is defiantly one of the prettiest models here . More please !

MEMBER-16526 1526天前

For me, the speculum is amazing. She's a hot young lady!

MEMBER-16965 1526天前

I like the video until min. 6:20 until she puts in the speculum.

MEMBER-16789 1516天前

This is amazing. Wathing this sweet pussy takes me to heaven. Am falling so in love with this girl. Sweetest pussy.




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