Shy Sweetie - intro photo


Shy is always an understatement when we watch a model do the things they do. Perhaps it shows more in development when they are a little timid. When they remember the cash that is at stake they are much more likely to drop their knickers to the floor. We expect a lot more from our models than just dropping their undies though, and it takes courage and shamelessness. In her second video here, Chanel Kiss does some more showing off of her pussy. She has quite a round bum for a skinny model as she is. It is highlighted by her butthole which is very noticeable. The type of spreading is rather light here, but it draws more focus to her whole body. We get some nice shots with her face in the background and her crotch zoomed in and right in your face. Her honey pot looks very smooth and tight as she only opens it up a little here. There are some great sideways spreads as she closes her legs and spreads the pussy with one hand squished between her legs.

相应的美图资源如下: SHY SWEETIE - 2020年12月10日.


时长: 12:45



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-13904 1550天前

Quite enjoyed Chanel Kiss being gangbanged recently. Hopefully we get to see more of her on PJG!

MEMBER-9201 1550天前

There are often 3 videos of new model. This trilogy can often be divided into three part?
Part 1. Outside pussy close-ups with spreading
Part 2. Inside pussy close-ups with lots of gaping
Part 3. Gyno/speculum set

I don't know it it's the case but the it's not a bad idea.

Frequently I have found it hard to distinguish the theme between two solo sets for a new model. Why not make one set with outside focus and one with inside gaping focus? The outside video could have some such things as nice unspread pussy play, macro clit close-ups, wide open pussy spreads. Whereas the inside gaping video is more about deep four finger gaping and such. Do other members here agree that it could be nice with a firmer distinction between some of the solo sets?

MEMBER-6860 1549天前

It's unbelievable that some Videos what I think "this was the best PJ Video ever, gets beaten by a better Video.

The last 2 Videos were great!!!

MEMBER-6770 1548天前





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