PussyCam Bonus - intro photo


For all you VIPs out there, here is a bonus. If you have not seen the first entry by Chloe Bailey, maybe watch that one first. This is the sequel to that one, and in many ways, it is much the same. The difference here is that this video is only shown through the endoscopic camera. We are all being squished inside this lovely model here. She plunges us all the way up inside her cooch, but unlike a dick or any other object, we bring some light so we can see the walls of the cave. We can see how stretchy she is as the camera pushes the pink and juicy walls to the side and forces its way all the way up to her cervix. On the side note she also uses the camera to look at other parts of her as well, in case you get a little claustrophobic.

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时长: 9:09



子宫 妇科检查 内窥镜 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤



MEMBER-15717 1546天前

I prefer speculum clips to pussy cams ones.

MEMBER-4698 1546天前

I agree with POLKMN1357. Not a big fan of the endoscope. Prefer the plastic speculum.

MEMBER-9201 1546天前

Pussy cam can become very endoscopic and medical. It isn't easy to make hot pussy cam videos but it can be done.

In my view, pussy cam needs a hot story - Why is this happening? Is the camera my dick?Two girls just playing around with a pussy cam?

Frequently filming outside face/pussy breaks up the "endoscopy". Full-sceen cervix shots are definitely NOT hot!

The most interesting pussy cam shots are the tunnel/cave views (like screenshot #6).

MEMBER-11825 1546天前

prefer both. Endoscope ones are up close detailed and personal so technically I like it a bit better. And fun. Not all models like specs.

MEMBER-14396 1546天前

Same here, why have one or the other when you can have both...
Btw. I know the lighting is difficult (especiall when the cvx has red spots), but I really really prefer yummy pink caves to grey ones.

MEMBER-14012 1545天前

endoscopy is awesome, this video is great It's a shame that this hair got inside, but at least there's no additional screen in the frame showing the girls and this is very good

MEMBER-9201 1545天前

ZOOMZOOM - I agree with you. I would love it if the colors were highly tuned for a "yummy pink cave" even if the colors outside end up looking a bit crazy. I say, perfect the inside colors to "delicious pink" :-) At present the colors seem to be a compromise between outside and inside filming.

WETMUCUS - The additional window is almost necessary during prolonged "dives". It's not that important if the pussy cam "surfaces" frequently for some orientation. This video got a bit too endoscopic, in the medical sense, for me after a while. Vagina suffocation :-)

MEMBER-4650 1545天前

Love it

MEMBER-15815 1545天前

Mag sein, dass die "Pussy-Cam" etwas wissenschaftliches an sich hat, aber ich finde dieses Video dennoch sehr interessant, - echt klasse!




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