Smiling Sweetie - intro photo


Dea is the newest model here and is truly a perfect fit. She is a lot more Velma than Daphne (I hope you get the reference), and it makes for some great content. Dea has some thickness to her with some fantastic curves. Those thighs are big and juicy, and I was little surprised that she was able to reach around them to get her hands on the pussy. Her tits are great as well. For however long you are looking at her upper half, you will notice her lovely face. She is a very smiley model and it is really nice to see that. We love it when a model feels comfortable on set and that positive energy transfers to the viewer. If you wondered how well she displays that pussy, then let me tell you that she is really good. She has a stretchy hole and she displays it well. She gets it well spread from the front and the back, and we get the whole thing captured in well lit and high definition footage.

相应的美图资源如下: SMILING SWEETIE - 2020年11月21日.


时长: 14:58



扩张 美足 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 丰满的



MEMBER-13904 1532天前

Friendly reminder that you said you were aiming for 3 speculum video updates per month due to the lack of those updates from May to September... And we haven't had a single update so far this month

MEMBER-6860 1532天前

I don´t agree with that.
For my taste there were tomany gyno, pussycam and speculum videos.

Anyway PJ Girls is the best porn site on the internet!!
Thanks for all the great updates since the page exist.

And it is great that there is no gap at the weekly updates because we live in a corona world now :/

MEMBER-15493 1532天前

I agree with torsion69 the best site on the internet and about the weekly updates thanks for pj girls

MEMBER-15384 1532天前

Finally a clip without speculum and pussycam.

MEMBER-16552 1532天前

Model 10/10
Film and edit 10/10
Gapes 10/10

Hope to see more Dea!

MEMBER-12982 1532天前

This got me pregnant, and I am a guy.

MEMBER-15717 1532天前

I like speculum clips though

ADMIN 1532天前

Deepdown - I can't speak on behalf of Jiri (and I agree that a speculum video should be published very soon) but from what I heard he's publishing mainly videos that he had shot earlier this year because it's (almost) not possible to film these days not only because of covid restrictions but also because of the virus itself - the whole site is dependent on him so he must stay healthy at all costs... that of course doesn't mean there won't be any speculum updates :) I will ask him about it.

We were almost the best country in the world in the spring/summer with literally no infections but things got worse rapidly when kids went to school on September 1 and the virus spread like hell... most private businesses and shops were closed and people are allowed just to go to work and back home. Commercial photography indoors is not allowed. The epidemy has reached its peak two weeks ago and the situation is improving now but we have to be careful anyway.

edit: I was just told there would be a speculum update on Monday.

Phonic565 - just ignore the videos you don't like, there's absolutely no need to post negative comments, thank you.

MEMBER-13904 1532天前

Thanks for that response. I thought the reason for no speculum updates during may to September were because you guys had run out of the speculums but your order turned up at the end of August?

Im glad we are getting some more speculum videos soon because, as I think I may have mentioned once or twice before, theyre the only reason Im here :P

Finally to Phonic565: there have been 9 video updates in November so far. 1 of those contained the pussycam. None contained speculums. If you really think that is too many of that type of video, you are very definitely on the wrong site.

MEMBER-14510 1532天前

Yes more speculums usually have 3 a month possibly 4

ADMIN 1532天前

Deepdown - yes, we ran out of speculum in the spring and they arrived somewhen in August I think. Now we have enough of them for two more years :-)

What I was suggesting (but I don't know if it's true or not) is that Jiri may be using older updates these days. Normally he films at least one girl (3 videos, 3 photo sets) per week but I know for sure he has limited his activities because of the covid epidemy. But when I asked him yesterday he assured me that a speculum update is scheduled for Monday so it's perhaps just a coinvidence that there were three weeks without any speculum update. It's certainly not a plan, just a coincidence :)

MEMBER-15815 1531天前

a "smiling sweety" with a "laughing out loud" pussy! :-))
Ein klasse Video!
Hey "TORSION69"your comment:
"Anyway PJ Girls is the best porn site on the internet!!
Thanks for all the great updates since the page exist."
You're right !!
And I would like to thank all the girls who show their "charms" so openly here !!

MEMBER-15098 1530天前

Too much speculum stuff. Pussy, like this, is good too :)~

MEMBER-16604 1525天前

She's my current favourite!
I hope she will produce a lot more content over a long period of time!

MEMBER-18000 1371天前

Dea looks as if she might be a married lady, she had what looked like a wedding ring on her ring finger. If she is all I can say is her husband is a very lucky chap putting his cock inside that cunt every night. He must be in heaven.

MEMBER-18448 1312天前

ik ben met je eens TELEFOON 565 ,Eindelijk een clip zonder speculum en pussycam.beautiful sight on the round shapes of haar mooie ronde kont

(PUSSY SPREAD not too exaggerated just like a gynecologist with all that bloody wild meat inside, just beautiful enough)




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