Trisha - intro photo


The long legged Trisha is just the newest model to grace our lovely pages. While she might seem unsure and overall a bit amateurish, there are always positives to be found. She has a pouty face which might take away some of the value of having a pretty face. I can understand that some of our models are focused on the task at hand, especially when they have never done anything like this before. For some of our other models, they are going through a routine that they know well, and for some others, this is very new. Her spreading here is very light as she pries at the area around her pussy, and doesn't really dig in much. Some of our other models admittedly love their own vaginas and don't mind getting their hands a bit messy. Here, Trisha is quite conservative in how she presents the goods. Still, there is always an audience for amateur audiences and that audience will surely enjoy this one. Physically, she had a nice body with some good tits and a pale complexion.

相应的美图资源如下: TRISHA - 2020年10月20日.


时长: 15:59



扩张 高跟鞋 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 丰满的



MEMBER-15042 1608天前

I like the plot of this video, giving us nice spreads and gapes in different positions. And she does a good job of opening up and showing us her cunt.
But she does not seem to be engaged in what she is doing, there is no smile to be seen, which is a pity and distracts from the enjoyment. (Sorry for being a little negative, I usually don't post negative comments.)

ADMIN 1608天前

No problem :-) I have discussed it with Jiri before. He says that some girls are naturally positive while some are introverts and for those it's just a job that has to be done. Jiri hates all kinds of pretending or faking so he thinks it's better to keep the girl's behavior natural rather than force her to smile.

Of course we all prefer smiling girls :-) but if the non-smiling girl is good at gaping Jiri hires her anyway.

MEMBER-16323 1608天前

A little variety is good and I like her sternness here. She gives a great spreading display but her attitude says, "You worship cunts, then I'll show you a great one--but you're a pathetic wanker, down there stroking that cock: so stroke it for this, wanker!" Love it!

MEMBER-5552 1607天前

Trisha is great! The leg spreading in the beginning like in pic 3 is fantastic, But sadly i think the cam angles getting worse...I dont like the extensivly used diagonal views in that landscape format 45 degree angle... And then every shot is taken from below her, why is no variation here? Just a little bit looking down to her, not only filming from underneath.
@Admin maybe you can do a poll vote like we had some years ago? If the majority likes this, i will accept it, but I dont think this landscape 45 degree angle view is so popular... Even the photos are made in this style, but here I can rotate them to a regular angle...

ADMIN 1607天前

I'm quite sure the 45 degree is there simply to fit most information (cunt + face + body) into the frame. With a vertical or horizontal position this simply wouldn't be possible. I believe this is only the second negative comment regarding the angle we've received.

A poll would make sense when it comes to content type. But when it comes to technical aspects I have a feeling Jiri won't want to ask others because he knows best what to do to achieve the best photos and videos (and for this particular niche he's far more experienced than professional cameramans working for far bigger adult websites). If I get to talk to him in the next few days I will try to ask him.

edit: yes, it's exactly as I had assumed. The diagonal frame fits most content in there, you can see the face and the zoomedin cunt. Any other way of filming would obviously leave something out so Jiri is not going to change this.

MEMBER-15669 1606天前

I for one absolutely & 100% love the "landscape 45 degree angle(pussy + face + body) ye. Money shot baby. Keep em coming.

MEMBER-4899 1602天前

Perfect cunt show!

MEMBER-16428 1602天前

I wish to see her under the bridge))

MEMBER-16801 1553天前

Great video; well framed and shot. While staring at her vagina I can't resist looking at her natural tits and nipples as well.

MEMBER-22384 244天前

I am full on for the 45 shots where we get to admre the model's entire body, then the interior shots are waiting to be enjoyed.




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