Inside Blanche - intro photo


Oh hello old friend (not that she is old at all). Blanche was on our site a few years ago, and it is a nice surprise to see her back here. Her tits have grown into watermelons, which is a sure sign of plastic surgery. Whether or not you like fake tits, you have to agree that she is still quite the hottie with her fantastic body and blond hair. We are mostly interested in that tunnel of hers on this one. It really does look like a tunnel with the camera wedged up there. We get a very in depth view of the surrounding area from it, let me tell you. Blanche is quite a thick skinned gal and always had that huge ass. She does some different poses while pulling the camera in and out of her honey pot. The sideways view is particularly interesting here. Between all the camera work she does some pretty looking finger gaping as well. Welcome back to our site you milfy lady.

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE BLANCHE - 2020年7月14日.


时长: 15:11



子宫 美足 扩张 阴道扩张 内窥镜 妇科检查 无毛的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-15675 1691天前

unfortunately too many Gyno exams, I don't like that,
but everyone has his taste

UNDER THE BRIDGE SCENES & SANDY SUN ……why never more ,again glorious pussy through a glass floor. Scenes?, this scene is perfectly made , very exciting !!

UNDER THE BRIDGE SCENES & SANDY SUN ……why never more: ,again glorious pussy through a glass floor. Scenes?, this scene is perfectly made , very exciting !!

I find this kind of recording exciting but unfortunately too little of it, hopefully more in the future, I will come back with my membership if more of these scenes come, thank you in advance

ADMIN 1690天前

MAKANNASI1 - if you keep posting the very same comment under multiple videos I will be forced to delete them because copying & pasting the very same comment under several videos is simply spam. I have already noticed it several times before.

Btw. you're wrong anyway. There have been only two gyno videos in the past month, the reason being the lack of speculums...

MEMBER-4698 1690天前

Thank you so much for the recent gyno updates. There are only a few websites on the net that have gyno scenes. Literally every other site has no gyno scenes. Literally.

MEMBER-14012 1690天前

Will there be a recording from inside Blanche? Maybe in combination with the movie inside Elena? Will there be a movie inside Elena? Thanks

MEMBER-11825 1690天前

Maybe someone is lazy. I've done it before albeit I wouldn't be caught dead doing in a comment system like this. or anywhere. Like Why??? like plugging my usb stick in the wrong way and keep expecting it to work

ADMIN 1690天前

wetmucus - there will be a pussycam bonus with Blanche on Sunday.

MEMBER-9201 1690天前

I hope the RAW Elena pussy cam will be released soon either as a bonus or a regular update

MEMBER-15543 1690天前

Pussycam is the best! :)

MEMBER-13554 1689天前

Personally pussycam and viewing inside do not bring more excitement to me. I like open wide pussy, but I am not a doctor interested to see what's happen inside the body..

MEMBER-14510 1689天前

So sexy and can't get enough of the pussycam and speculum videos!!!

MEMBER-12982 1688天前

Awesome! One of my all time fave models, I also named a spaceship after her in Elite Dangerous. OMG thanks so much Jiri!




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