Star Under The Bridge - intro photo


Billie Star gets the under bridge treatment. She is a pretty good solo model with the hand skills required to make great pussy gaping content. Aside from that, she is a good looking model with some nice juicy melons. We get down low for some ideal pussy views. You can bet that we have some great bend over content where Billie's ass is up and her bits are spread. You can also bet that when she squats down her pussy is still being held open. Her spreading is effortless and very good. If you are a fan of this relatively new model you should check this one out.

相应的美图资源如下: STAR UNDER THE BRIDGE - 2020年4月9日.


时长: 14:15



扩张 阴道扩张 修剪的 美穴 熟女 明星 丰满的



MEMBER-15054 1786天前

Ms Star gets full marks for the adept way in which she spreads her vagina. Her fingers never obscure the view of her pussy, which has some lovely features. The texture of her cunt and of the surrounding skin, most notably the upper margin of the perineum is perfectly presented. Simply wonderful!

MEMBER-15043 1785天前

Now in spring is the time for "under the bridge" videos again and outside there is no danger for Corona infection. Billie's pussy performance is simply perfect - 5 stars are not enough.
Jiri please go on this way - the movie-series "on the stairs" and "under the bridge" are unmatched world class.

MEMBER-13574 1785天前

any young model please

ADMIN 1784天前

Of course we try to hire young models, no need to remind us :-) However, many young models are inexperienced and totally unusable for our purposes (wide cunts). Also not to mention that many are not available due to the virus outbreak.

Please trust Jiri. He is really doing his best to hire the best models available.

MEMBER-14183 1784天前

Wide cunts!
Age does not matter that much.

MEMBER-14961 1784天前

I agree, age doesn´t matter, if the woman looks decent and has a great gaping pussy to show us. If the Make-up is good and Jiri lits the scene well, we can also appreciate any older Models.

MEMBER-4899 1784天前

I agree with LOOSEPUSSY!
it is exactly like that. I ask for that BRITTANY BARDOT on the stairs. Please.

MEMBER-14961 1783天前

Ally, Vanessa, Tina and Brittany are some of the more older Models I am not tired seeing here, and their gaping abilities are surely not fully explored. These are wonderful Models, who prove why its important to have them here, because they gape. All the younger Models are almost all very tight and not that interesting, I think. Yes they spread, but they can´t gape well. Only with Gizmos, more trained or older models you can get some nice, loose, wide open results. I love the more mature Ladies, they often don´t need much tools to get some spectacular results. Billie here is a nice Model, she has lots of potential.

MEMBER-14183 1783天前

I like a mature lady that spreads legs and gapes the Fotzenloch wide open. Their big holes just do it for me.

MEMBER-8185 1782天前

I think Billie Star is gorgeous and welcome all older models. They have beautiful vaginas just like the younger models. Plus, because they are older, they have more experience and therefore their vaginas are much wider!

MEMBER-6770 1780天前

EXCELLENT!!! Thanks!

MEMBER-15815 1695天前

3 times wonderful : a wonderful video, a wonderful model - and a wonderful pussy!

MEMBER-18207 1382天前

super fræk ,fisse wao




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