On The Bed - intro photo


We usually start a model off doing the light spreading, but here, we do the opposite. We get a more intimate showing of Sisi here by doing a little bit less gaping. Sure, she still spreads her pussy quite a lot. We focus on all the rest of her here though, and if you admire her beauty as a model, you will surely like this one. Overall, she is quite the looker. Sisi has an amazingly pretty face under that blond hair. Her ass isn't messing around either. I honestly forgot how nice and thick her pussy lips were as well, just because they are usually pulled right out of the way. She does a lot of teasing her and a lot less pussy spreading. This is more of a show for the true fans of this model.

相应的美图资源如下: ON THE BED - 2020年1月18日.


时长: 15:36



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-14383 1879天前

Wow! time to jack off!

MEMBER-12570 1879天前

Sisi you are an amazingly attractive woman. What a stunning lithe physique she posesses. Thank you Jiri.
I love it when Sisi smiles and I love looking at the wide deep gaping omanko framed between her long slender legs. I love the sounds the pussy makes showing its appreciation for being examined and looked at.
Please Sisi more sets and thank you Pjgirls.

MEMBER-14012 1879天前

Jiri probably has a broken camera, this is the second film without close-ups !!!

MEMBER-14018 1878天前

Great cunt, love the barefoot sole shots!

MEMBER-4899 1878天前

Please make the same Sisi video with extreme closeups.

MEMBER-14339 1878天前

BillyBob approved. Bring in Tina Gold if you can for another movie.

MEMBER-14295 1878天前


MEMBER-14285 1878天前

Who wants better closeups ? I think the camera is close enough - maybe you need a larger screen.

MEMBER-14210 1877天前

Great idea Jiri and crew. As Sisi is a beatiful, amazing looking model, its good not to film the same pussy shots closeup all the time-but in different locations. Otherwise its like "how many different ways can you say gape?"
Love the flirting and playing up to the camera a little in between the nasty gaping.
Trying to think of some ideas now....i will re-subscribe again!

MEMBER-13286 1877天前

looking at her hole and pretty face is a treat my cock deserves

MEMBER-14192 1874天前

Beautiful face and even more beautiful cunt!

MEMBER-6770 1872天前

Absolutely OUTSTANDING video!! Sisi is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks so much!

MEMBER-14749 1828天前

I know there are many tastes in pussy looking. This calls to me, spread wide with no fingers in the vagina. Just a great view of her open round holes (pee hole participation.) Also like looking for her skeen holes which are not always easy to find.

MEMBER-15815 1696天前

fantastic, - her pussy can breathe! :-) :-) Isn't that wonderful? A great video!

MEMBER-22354 793天前

Absolutely ???? great video




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