Pure Gaping - intro photo


If you were observant enough, you might have recognized Sisi. She did a few video for us already, but with a rather different look. Her blond hair disguised her from me, at least until I saw the giveaways. For one, I recognized the name. Secondly I remembered her pussy. She has a big stretchy hole. Her walls are very smooth looking, which is not so common. We have seen her do some amazing things in the past, like squirting while being gaped wide open by another model! Here she looks amazing and puts on a great show. The 62 likes to no dislikes are all the evidence I need to see here. She is super hot, and holds the gaping poses perfectly.

相应的美图资源如下: PURE GAPING - 2020年1月7日.


时长: 16:43



扩张 高跟鞋 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-14205 1892天前

Ohhh la la! So amazing! Pulling my cock out right now to pump a load to this video. Thank you!

MEMBER-14146 1892天前

excellent, a absolutley excellent pussy stretching and gaping video!!

MEMBER-12153 1892天前

Almost didnt recognize SiSi as a blonde, shes looking more beautiful than i remember. Ok, so lets see her team up with our new gaping assistant Elizabeth for some deep fisting and hole stretching.

MEMBER-14018 1892天前

Wish she were barefoot, or in heels that showed off more of her feet.

That said her cunt is incredible. Awesome gaping. Love she isn't tight or shy.

MEMBER-13637 1892天前

Sorry to disagree with "CUNTNSOLES", but high heels are the best.

MEMBER-14183 1891天前

Openwide: Ye shall know them by their cunts

Openwide: An ihren Mösen sollt Ihr sie erkennen

MEMBER-14099 1891天前

This girl opens up beautifully - she is one of the very best! More of her please!!

MEMBER-4899 1891天前

Sisi is back. At last!

Admin: Would it be possible to shoot a solo video under the bridge with her? With many different frontal close-ups?

MEMBER-12552 1891天前

Yes under the bridge would be very good !!!!
Ok it's cold...

MEMBER-7259 1891天前

Best video this year so far... ;-)

MEMBER-9213 1890天前

Sexy, confident woman without implants or trashy tattoos. Her natural beauty is captivating. Gorgeous eyes, love the blonde on her. Well done Jiri.

ADMIN 1890天前

Pussylover - I can solve only technical questions :) I have absolutely no influence on the shooting at all (and I've never been present at any).

(But I think I can guarantee that there won't be any under-bridge shooting in 0 degrees Celsius in the middle of winter :)

MEMBER-4899 1890天前

OK Admin. That's true. Too cold. Thank you

MEMBER-12338 1890天前

I know that this is a pussy site, but I'd love to see Sisi squeezing and pulling on those beautiful little titties! As JustGapes said, sexy, confident, and no trashy implants or tattoos. The wide pen cunt is nice too :-)

MEMBER-14348 1889天前

She's lovely (no trashy tatoos, etc) and I agree, some titty play would be great too. I do wish PJgirls would make sure the girls are bruise free for the shoots. I'm sure they know a shoot date weeks in advance so it's not hard for a model to be free of bruises. Sisi's lower legs look pretty bad with the heavy bruising. A bit of a turn off.

MEMBER-14018 1887天前

In reply to Me-0203194 - I like high heels (though prefer barefoot) but prefer heels with straps or gaps to show off the feet.

MEMBER-6770 1886天前


MEMBER-13818 1885天前

Brilliant performance, more Sisi please…

MEMBER-11953 1885天前

Stunning. A truly gorgeous cunt for a sexy young lady.

MEMBER-8185 1884天前

Wow, what a wonderful gaperooney. I love her wideness.

MEMBER-14749 1828天前

There are some good view of her pee hole as well.

MEMBER-18107 1402天前


MEMBER-17269 1353天前

Sisi is both the most beautiful AND show me a lesser wrinkled pussy..I dare you!

Sisi you are pjgirls absolute #1 girl. (IMO of course)

MEMBER-19929 857天前

Still one of the all time best!




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