Love Under Bridge - intro photo


Love is the latest model to do an under bridge shoot. She looks very sexy in her dress, but she looks even nicer without it. Her standing poses are very good. If you like huge pussy lips, she is your girl. She has such nice smooth skin to go along with a great summer tan. Unlike most models under the bridge, she spends most of this set standing. She slowly goes through standing poses front and back. Her pussy looks like a bat with a huge wing span when she pulls the lips back.

相应的美图资源如下: LOVE UNDER BRIDGE - 2019年7月23日.


时长: 14:02



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤



MEMBER-13193 2040天前

Horny and wicked cunt - fantastic views !
Is it true - Nicole is a gypsy ? Look at

MEMBER-12930 2040天前

The part where Nicole is standing over the camera with her big pussy lips just flapping around was something else! Quite mesmerizing if you ask me! Im really glad to see Nicole back with more updates! And the last few minutes where she is sitting down, spreading was also top notch! Love to see pussy on display like that!

ADMIN 2040天前

I guess she is a gypsy - we don't have any women with dark skin in this country except for the gypsies.

MEMBER-3146 2040天前

Great video, i love the view looking up from underneath. She always looks incredible

MEMBER-5958 2040天前

So what's the fuss about gypsy or not. All I see is a young lady that is not shy to show her amazing flaps and her Fotzenloch to guys that love to have a good look at her cunt. A pussy is a pussy...

Was ist das Ding ob sie Zigeunerin ist oder nicht? Alles was ich sehe ist eine junge Dame die nicht scheu ist ihre wundervollen Flappen und ihr Fotzenloch Typen zu zeigen die gerne ihre Möse bewundern. Eine Fotze ist eine Fotze...

MEMBER-13061 2040天前

I just love her.. everything about her. So beautiful and yum!

MEMBER-10249 2040天前

There's a whole world of wonder in those astonishing flaps: such quintessence of cunt, such elegant obscenity: love Nicole, queen of the cunt-spreaders!

MEMBER-13193 2040天前

Pls don't understand me wrong! Gypsy is not meant to be pejorative, there are not so many different ethnic groups in the Czech Republic. And I would be happy if we could admire other beautiful gypsy-pussies at this site in future, as there are gypsy-porn-stars named Sandra Soul, Lara Star, Isabel Dark, Amanda Estela, Nicolette Noir and some more.

MEMBER-11953 2039天前

What stunning cunt-flaps! My idea of heaven is to gaze up at her open pussy from beneath, then taste her juices ... almost there. Thank you so much for sharing your cunt with us Nicole.

MEMBER-14035 1916天前

wonderful labia mmm so sexy

MEMBER-14146 1897天前

Her pussy is a feast for the eyes!!

MEMBER-16544 1574天前

I love everything about Nicole but especially her pendulous flaps. Her cunt is so lovely to explore in all its fascinating detail. She is such a gorgeous brown-skinned young lady.

MEMBER-18530 1331天前

how does a girl this young get a pussy this epic???




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