Water Gizmo - intro photo


What a naughty girl. These tub videos of late are really turning me on. What better way to do them than with a gorgeous blond like Vanessa Sweet? When I see her on screen, I am ready for a pussy adventure. She knows how to deliver the goods. Her legs are so sexy, and the pussy in between is such a treat. The bath tub does not give her much of a choice other than to spread her legs for balance's sake. We get right in there, and watch as she gapes her pussy and gets it soaked. Above the water, and underneath, she is thoroughly soaked in this one. She starts of with some dry gaping, and then spends the rest of the video in water. We even throw a gaping device in for good measure.

相应的美图资源如下: WATER GIZMO - 2019年7月18日.


时长: 20:19



扩张 阴道扩张 美足 极限 特殊玩具 脱垂 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 熟女 金发尤物



MEMBER-10012 2082天前

Damn! Keep up the tub adventures. Some of the best scenes are coming out now.

MEMBER-13193 2082天前

The pussy-presentation is fantastic - but please without the whisk or any other toy next time.

MEMBER-5958 2082天前

Vanessa has a fantastic cunt. I like her huge hole a lot. Keep using any toy that helps gaping the ladies Fotzenlöcher, be it a speculum or the wire gizmo. A gaping hole is a good one.

MEMBER-10375 2082天前

So pleased to see the special toys making a comeback! This video and Tiny's "Water Pump" video are excellent. This is why I'm here. This is what makes PJGirls so unique. Going through the older videos made me realise how much I missed the wire toys and other special gaping tools. And now they're back! Perfect!!! <3

MEMBER-12703 2082天前

The gizmo and the endoscopic camera are the toys, that make PJGirls so unique... Please please more of this! <3

MEMBER-7839 2082天前

I love her very big and wide pussy and especially a wonderful vagina walls!

MEMBER-11825 2081天前

Hope to see the kitty cam making it back. Thats PJ's staple, especially the spread out doggy view

MEMBER-10249 2081天前

Great to see Vanessa's meaty fuckbucket spread wide again. Each to his own, but I'm also not a fan of the gizmo: I prefer my cunts hand-cranked!

MEMBER-11953 2079天前

And again.... Fabulous!

MEMBER-5958 2078天前

I prefer my cunts wide open. Be it hand-cranked or gaped by gizmos. As long as the girl exposes her Fotzenloch in every detail I'm fine with it

I mag meine Mösen offen wie ein Scheunentor. Sei es von Hand gedehnt oder per Gerätschaft aufgehalten. Hauptsache man darf dem Mädchen extrem detailliert ins Fotzenloch blicken.

MEMBER-9201 2076天前

Perfect use of the wire gizmo a.k.a. gape cage.

MEMBER-14146 1929天前

her pussy is absolutely forbidden wonderfully beautiful !! :-)

MEMBER-18917 1312天前

If you want to see all the beauty of a cunt, then go to Vanessa!




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