Not So Tiny - intro photo


It is no secret now that Tiny Tina is not so tiny. I'm not surprised at how popular she has become with that huge gaping pussy. That hole is truly scrumptious to see. Tina bursts on the scene with a fantastic pussy 3 great performances. I am left wondering where she has been all this time. She starts this seen dressed, and plays with her feet a little bit before the action picks up. You will be addicted to her yawning hole. I really like the shot where she is on her side, with her legs together. You can see how easy it is to stretch her pussy. I love when she opens her mouth too, and you can see both holes staring at you simultaneously. Her pussy area is all shaven, but her ass is strangely not. It is hard to ignore her anus for some reason. You will either love it or hate it. The fans have really spoken well about this one. With 41- 0 like to dislike ratio, the video speaks for itself. Watch it!

相应的美图资源如下: NOT SO TINY - 2019年6月15日.


时长: 15:27



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 脱垂 巨大的 美穴 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-7839 2085天前

I really love Tina's huge and wide vagina. The opening is one of the largest I have seen and the structure of the walls is so comfortable and inviting. To see at the end alternately the glimpse of her wonderful beautiful red shimmering cervix interspersed with her face, very fine combination. Getting a real fisting scene in this amazing vagina with real close-ups on cervix in different angles is my next wish. Jiri You Can Meet It!

MEMBER-11529 2085天前

I have 3 words for Tina....what a HOLE!!!!....YUM!!!

MEMBER-10249 2085天前

Glorious gaping, especially from behind: Tiny Tina really knows how to expose her Colossal Cunt!

MEMBER-7839 2085天前

We just have to see much more of Tina's so wonderful hole !!

MEMBER-5958 2084天前

Tiny Tina and her not so tiny Fotzenloch. Let her pose with one of the metall specula. I want to look deep into her huge cavern.

Tiny Tina und ihr nicht gerade winziges Fotzenloch. Lasst sie mit einem der Metallspekula posieren. Ich möchte ganz tief in ihre riesige Grotte schauen.

MEMBER-12997 2084天前

One of the best pussies in a long, long, long time. Forced me to create an account again. Thanks!

MEMBER-12590 2082天前

Doggystyle from the front is hot!

MEMBER-12532 2082天前

For me, this video is superb.

- good-looking woman
- good eye-contact with the camera
- lots of smiles
- good close-ups of her face
- great close-ups of her beautiful cunt
- good, wide-open, spreads
- nothing to get in the way of the view

Please film many more spreading videos with Tina!

Thank you.

MEMBER-12997 2082天前

and finally: no shitty tattoos!

MEMBER-12851 2080天前

Trop trop belle ,un rêve !

MEMBER-6770 2080天前

Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!! Thanks!!!

MEMBER-4899 2080天前

Perfect pussies presentation of a perfect cunt. The frontal settings are awesome.

MEMBER-11953 2079天前

Fantastic cunt. Thanks Tina.

MEMBER-8185 2072天前

More, more, more of this hot sexy gorgeous babe with the big beautiful gaping pink love hole!

MEMBER-13193 2053天前

We can hear and see how she is struggling to spread her pussy to the maximum and to show us all the beauty of her fuck hole - greatful thanks to Tina and her photographer Jiří.

MEMBER-13258 2031天前

Now that is a meaty hole - yum!

MEMBER-15647 1646天前

Just 5 words to say:

MEMBER-14239 1605天前

The twist in the doggy part is awesome, to switch from that cervix deep gape to her zoomed beautiful face for a few seconds is simply genius!

MEMBER-18656 1295天前

This is an absolute joy to watch! I absolutely loved the views from behind! This is exactly what I want to see, Cunts spread to the max!!




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