Inside Frea Dee - intro photo


Frea Dee starts this scene out seated wearing a very interesting and very provocative fishnet... thingy (I have no idea what to call it, but her firm little tits and smooth shaved pussy are in view already). Frea massages her titties and from a seated squat, enthusiastically stretches her pussy lips open for us, revealing the promise of a deep gape later.

Her pussy looks very elastic, and when she lies back in a wide-spread M pose and gives us a reach-around spread, that elasticity becomes very apparent and her cunt opens up very prettily. Jiri gets the camera in closer and closer until all we see is wall-to-wall pink pulchritude (that's a good thing, look it up :-)

Soon the speculum comes out from hiding (and it is once again put back into hiding in Frea's cunt), and now we get the cervix-deep gape. Frea massages her tits while we look deep inside her, and of course Jiri obliges us with more well-lit closeups of her pink cave. Frea treats us to some in-and-out with the speculum as her mommy-cervix plays peekaboo.

After licking the speculum clean, we are ultimately treated to some rear views of her stretched open hole, and we get to see her completely tented vagina while she clenches her muscles. Delightful!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE FREA DEE - 2019年3月21日.


时长: 20:26



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MEMBER-7839 2163天前

At last we get to see FREA DEE's beautiful pussy with his beautiful vagina and for the first time her shiny cervix with the coming menuring blood. Her vaginal muscles work all the time and almost breaks the speculum, well worked. The next time it would be great to see a fist depth inside the vagina.

MEMBER-5958 2163天前

Nice pink cunt and a big juicy cervix. Thanks for exposing your hole for us, Frea.

Tolle rosige Fotze und ein großer saftiger Muttermund. Danke das du uns dein Loch so bereitwillig zeigst, Frea.

MEMBER-10249 2163天前

Perfect cunt show: wankers everywhere thank you, Frea Dee!

MEMBER-10936 2163天前

A very lovely girl. Her first video was stupid, the second was good, this one is fantastic!

MEMBER-684 2162天前

Arrgh. Lovely girl, but no orgasm again.

ADMIN 2162天前

The speculum is a pleasure for the viewers, NOT for the girl. She can hardly have an orgasm with that big thing in her pussy. You have to decide whether you want to see an orgasm or the inside of her pussy. Only very scarcely it's possible to get both :-)

MEMBER-7839 2162天前

Then maybe fisting in combination with the vagina being opened with your fingers can be an opportunity and using magicwand to get a real orgasm!

MEMBER-684 2162天前

Admin. It hasn't seemed to be much of a problem in the past.

MEMBER-8185 2162天前

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. More of this hot sexy gaping woman!

ADMIN 2162天前

Paulskin - I'm not present at the shooting, all I know is that speculum means PAIN for the girl. Some may reach orgasm, most can't for obvious reasons. I don't see any point in complaining about the lack of orgasm. Female orgasms are rare and here we're talking about a speculum scene which makes it even more difficult to achieve. (We could have faked it - other websites do it - but that wouldn't be fair).

MEMBER-684 2162天前

Admin, I’m sorry you see my comments as complaining, but you do give us the opportunity to have our say, however you seem to want to jump on any negative comment (from me there have been very little compared to the positive comments).
I have been a long time subscriber to PJ Girls for quite a few years (because I like the content and still do, I may be holding you to a higher standard than other websites because in the past you have come up with the goods). However I feel that there is getting less and less gyno, which is something you do really well, I realise that not all girls will orgasm with a speculum (and like I said earlier this wasn’t that much of a problem before, it just seems to be over the last few months) but lately there seems to be less and less and I’m sorry but I feel that you are fazing gyno out because it doesn’t get as many thumbs up or better reviews etc. If this is the case at least be honest and say it.
I realise that you have a difficult job trying to please everybody all I’m asking for is to keep doing what you have done so well in the past.

MEMBER-6770 2162天前

This video was great until the speculum was used. I joined this site for the unobstructed gapes and beautiful pussy views - not speculums. If speculum insertion is really painful, I would suggest not using them so much. They do absolutely nothing for me.

ADMIN 2161天前

Paulskin - I don't think there have been any changes in the ratio of gyno vs. other scenes. Feel free to correct me and if there's indeed any major change (and that can be calculated easily using the tags in the filter) I will be happy to consult it with Jiri and we'll see. Also please don't get me wrong, we take comments seriously and Jiri reads them too, I just thought it was weird to complain about the lack of orgasm because that's something we cannot influence and as I said before, we never fake it. So if there's a good week there can be three orgasms in a row but if we have bad luck there may be none for a whole month. It's really a matter of luck (and also a matter of how experienced the girls are). (The average is about one orgasm per month and when I look back at the past scenes the situation isn't bad, Dominica or Jessica have reached orgasm using speculum in the past weeks).

Vulgaoglr - there are roughly three speculum videos per month because of the demand. I really don't think that's too many, especially considering what a demand for speculum scenes is among our customers. I don't want to start the flame war of "too many speculum videos" versus "we want more speculum videos" because it never leads anywhere and we've had it here many times before. We try to keep the same ratio of different scenes the whole time. 2019 isn't any different from 2018.

MEMBER-719 2161天前

I think you have the ratio just right. About every 5th or 6th video is the best video I've ever seen, so I have nothing to complain about regarding the 4 or 5 that aren't my cup of tea! Keep up the good work.

MEMBER-11953 2161天前

A very sexy girl with a delightful cunt. The first half of the video was stunning, but you can keep your medical tools.

MEMBER-5958 2159天前

Nothing beats the view into a wide open Fotzenloch. If the cervix is only visible by the help of a speculum, go for it! Please never stop filming into the girl's cunts.

Nichts ist besser als der Blick in ein weit geöffnetes Fotzenloch. Wenn die Gebärmutter nur mit Hilfe eines Spekulum zu sehen ist, dann ist es so. Aber bitte hört nie auf den Mädchen so unverschämt direkt in die Scheide zu filmen.

MEMBER-11529 2124天前

I am here to gawk at the unobstructed cunts of these beautiful (some more than others) women in all its wet mangled stretched beyond imagination mushy yummy glory. They were put on this earth and chose to showcase their sex tunnels for our cock pulling pleasure. I love the gaping squats the best. But any hole gape is what makes me blow my load PS goes really far. (bugle playing)... Let the cunts display!!!

MEMBER-12187 2120天前

Es ist schon kurios was diese jungen Frauen uns hier bieten. Deren Gefühl würde ich mal gerne kennenlernen wenn man sich nackt vor der Kamera präsentiert und uns mit einer weit gespreizten Scheide ihre intimste Stelle aus allernächster Nähe zeigen. Sie sehen nur die Kamera, ein paar cm vor ihrerer weit gespreitzen Scheide und was denkt man sich dabei wenn nun eigentlich jeder andere Mensch die Chance hat das zu sehen.

Besonders der zweite Teil dieses Videos ist ein Genuss. Dank dem tollen Spekulum wird einem in dieser pinken Welt alles geboten. Man hat viele Chancen bis zu ihrem Gebärmutterhals alles zu genießen und bei den Close Ups denkt man schon dass man mit seinem Kopf in ihrer so tollen Scheide steckt. Sollte es jemanden geben der am grübeln ist sich hier anzumelden, dem kann ich es nur empfehlen. Ich kenne keine weitere Chance im Internet sowas zu erleben. Bei PJGirls wird einem echt alles geboten. Die Frauen haben keine Hemmungen dir ihre Scheide von vorne bis ins Tiefste zu bieten. In den schönsten Momenten sieht man nichts weiteres als den so tollen Gebärmutterhals. Was fühlt in dem Moment wohl so ein Model, die müssten doch eine totale Gänsehaut bekommen wenn nun ihre Scheide bis auf die tiefste Stelle für alle so weit geöffnet ist.

Danke an die Ersteller dieser Homepage.

MEMBER-13111 2056天前

If you use a speculum at least turn it 90 degrees left or right! The folds and ridges of the top and bottom are revealed that way. Believe me the interior view of the vagina is much better.

MEMBER-13704 1952天前

Ich kann so ein Video wieder nur genießen. Ich würde gerne mal wissen was sich so eine junge Frau denkt wenn sie wieder nackt vor der Kamera alles zeigt was ihr intimer Bereich zu bieten hat.
Mit dem Spekulum zeigt Sie uns alles was ihre Scheide zu bieten hat und man tief in ihre gespreitze Scheide hinein blicken kann. Wie kann man keine Hemmungen haben und uns ihre Gebärmutter aus allernächster Nähe so präsentieren. Besonders mit dem Doggy Style zeigt Sie uns alles was eine schöne Frau zu bieten hat. Ein total knackiger Hintern mit dem schönsten Spielzeug in ihrem süßen Loch und damit kann man echt tiefste Einblicke ganz tief in ihre Scheide einfach nur genießen.

Ich werde mich hier weiter freuen über jedes Video was uns präsentiert wie unglaublich süß jede Scheide doch sein kann. Respekt an alle Frauen die einfach alle Hüllen fallen lassen können und wo die Kamera fast in ihrer pinken stecken darf, extrem weit gespreizt.

Danke an die Ersteller dieser Homepage. Ich kenne keinen anderen Ort im Internet wo man die Fotzen der hübschen Frauen so unglaublich nah und genau gezeigt werden.




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