Cold Experience - intro photo


We are so lucky to have a model like Vanda around. She gapes her pussy for us, rain or shine, or snow. In this case, it is in the middle of the winter. I know what it is like to live in a cold country, and I can't imagine what compels someone strip in the middle of winter. Vanda is a true warrior though, and we are given a pretty damn good gaping video. Usually the helper, Vanda proves that she can get the job done on herself without any help. She has some lovely lady humps, with a terrifically huge ass. With that skin tan, she does not seem like a girl from a cold country. She gets herself mostly naked, but keeps some clothes on, and we can't really blame her. I am kind of surprised that she does not break out into goosebumps.

相应的美图资源如下: COLD EXPERIENCE - 2019年1月29日.


时长: 16:27



扩张 高跟鞋 阴道扩张 巨大的 美穴 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-10012 2217天前

I love scenes outdoors and when it's cold out it seems more naughty.

MEMBER-10936 2217天前

Why didn't you invite poor Vanda in your apartment, where she must not freeze and get dressed so thick?

MEMBER-4899 2217天前

Vanda has one of the hottest pussies and she knows how to present her cunt.

MEMBER-8185 2217天前

Vanda always keeps it real. She is so hot!

MEMBER-7112 2217天前

Wow! It's cold but hot!
We can probably see the vapour coming out and climb up into the air from her omanko opening when you spot light aming at the steam. Please try it, Jiri.

MEMBER-7839 2216天前

A big thank you Wanda, you always give everything of you to us by the amazing vagina. Want to see more of your innermost depth and of your fine cervix, which you just showed once. Hope you want, because I want to!

ADMIN 2216天前

POLARBEAR - because Vanda wanted to try to shoot the movie outdoors, it was fun for her.

MEMBER-10249 2216天前

Vanda really knows how to display her cunt!!

MEMBER-5958 2213天前

When she raises one leg around 6:00 and pulls open the Fotzenloch she looks so extra naughty....
I like a woman that knows exactly that everyone is looking for the cunt and gives plenty of time to ogle between the thighs.

MEMBER-6770 2212天前

Another absolutely AMAZING video!! Thanks so much!!

MEMBER-11529 2210天前

gotta say she has a very nice tempting fuckhole but she is too old for me. I like the younger hotties

MEMBER-5958 2209天前

I don't care that much about age.
Any woman that is spreading legs and gaping wide open is welcome. Be it a teen pussy or a mature cunt, when Jiri goes into closeup range the age of the Fotzenloch becomes irrelevant. It's just a full screen shot of a woman's genitals. And I love all the girls for being so brave to have their pink filmed that way. Keep up the diversity of cunts!

Das Alter der Damen ist mir eigentlich nicht so wichtig. Hauptsache ist doch, dass sie bereitwillig die Schenkel spreizt und Jiri ganz nah an ihr Fotzenloch lässt. Ob Teenymuschi oder reife Möse, ich mag alle Frauen die so schamlos ihre Scheiden ablichten lassen. Und bei den teils extremen Nahaufnahmen ist der Bildschirm nur mit rosiger Fotze gefüllt. Es lebe die Vielfalt! Filmt noch vielen unterschiedlichen Frauen ins Loch!

MEMBER-12722 2002天前

Vanda is great. Very nice. Thanks to Vanda !




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