Delia in Red - intro photo


This video is called Delia in Red, though she is mostly out of red.

As with all of our models, their clothing falls off quite fast. At the very least, we need to get the pussy and ass out. Delia however, takes every article of her clothing off in this one. This is her fourth video with us, and her second with a shaved fotzenloch. By the comments already posted, it seems like people prefer the shaved beaver. I'm sure there are some voyeurists out there who prefer the natural look, though they may be the minority these days. Along with the shaved pussy, Delia also wears much less makeup than in her first two appearances. While looking less natural down under, she looks more natural up top, which is interesting to note. Her pussy spreading performance is quite good as she does all of our favorite frontal positions.

相应的美图资源如下: DELIA IN RED - 2018年10月25日.


时长: 15:12



扩张 阴道扩张 脱垂 无毛的 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-7839 2258天前

A very beautiful vagina and especially at 14:19 when I can glimpse her cervix with lovely secret from the cervix mouth, beautiful!

MEMBER-9201 2258天前

Love the "semi extreme closeups" around 3:05 & 7:00. I love that range where you can enjoy the whole pussy including clit and outer lips.

Some fantastic gaping throughout this video! However, this is now the fourth time this MILF spreads and (finger) gapes for us. I am sure some people think that is just perfect but for me variety is the spice of PJGirls.

MEMBER-11293 2258天前

It's good to have Delia back! I can't get enough of her now when she finally shaved that bush! I prefer younger models but this pussy is yummy!

MEMBER-10012 2258天前

I agree! I can't get enough of Delia fully shaved!

MEMBER-6770 2253天前

Delia is amazing - shaved or not! (However, I do like shaved better.)

MEMBER-11825 2182天前

Shaved or not . (or trimmed) don't care. Love em both or all. Although the strange excuse they shave cause it itches is strange yeah if you shave it'll itch. Don't shave it won't itch. I'd suggest a better shampoo if pubic hair itches..

MEMBER-18283 1305天前

Her smile is soooooo attractive. I can't concentrate on her pussy when she smiles ...

MEMBER-20687 964天前

Tremendous spreading!




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