Bonus with Adelle - intro photo


Adelle is such a sexy little kitten.

If you are obsessed with Adelle, and want to see more of her, this is the maximum. We get our HD gyno camera all the way up into our little beauty. Adelle shows us more than her pussy through the camera. We get to see her pretty face, as well as her perky tits and nipples. When it comes to her pussy though, this is the most thorough inspection you could possibly have. You are teleported into the lens of the camera, which puts you knee-deep in her moist, tight vagina,

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时长: 13:09



妇科检查 子宫 内窥镜 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-7112 2294天前

Yes!! This is the PJGirl!! This is the beautiful girl's omanko inside!! How nice!!

Well, now, I make my self calm and judge the vid. It's first time to realize the dimpled nipples like her. They are very intriguing. Look like crevix tip with lots of small bumps. And omanko inside is filled with mucus. The cervix movemens and omanko wall wiggling are pruriently beaitiful.
The conclusion: Omanko is exquisite.

MEMBER-7482 2294天前

I Really Loved the Nipples Closeups!

MEMBER-7839 2294天前

A great great video. I love her wonderful moist vagina walls and when the camera reaches her cute half open cervix with the blood-red entrance it becomes climax. Wonderful beautiful sliding in and out of her vagina !!

MEMBER-8517 2294天前

I guess the ultimate view will be fallopian tubes and ovaries. Not for me, though. I still prefer just the gaping pussy hole so I can still tell that it's a pussy, and not just a mucus piece of meat.

MEMBER-7112 2294天前

I know everybody has own favorit and it differers each other. But what makes me(man?) sexially excite is of course exsistance of a girl. And especially girl's most important part, omanko, I love it. BASEMANN said "ultimate view will be fallopian tubes and ovaries"but I don't think so. Those are just body inside organs and they can't be seen without surgery operation. Cervix and omanko walls are hidden inside but we can see them without bloody stain. This means they exsist just for being uncovered for man's joy. Isn't explore secret fun?

In other words, to see cervix, omanko walls and peehole is just like to enjoy beautiful girl's face or gorgeous body. I don't want to see kidney or lung.
How do you think, BASEMANN?

MEMBER-6860 2293天前

Thanks for all the Bonus Videos!
I´m pretty sure... it´s a lot of work to release all the Updates every week! But that´s why I am a PJ Member for 2 Years now.
Anyway I don´t like stuff like that but thanks to PJ for all the Bonus Videos and the good Content during my Membership.

MEMBER-6770 2293天前

I normally don't care too much for these types of videos. However, this one is an exception! Quite amazing! Thanks!! Adelle is exceptional as well. WOW!!

MEMBER-7259 2292天前

I tend to be on Basemanns side, some comments here would easily fit in Gray's Anatomy and I wouldn't be surprised if some people here would like see that gyno cam deeply inserted in her ass. I can not understand how this be associated with such a sexy girl. But then again I also can't understand how one could jerk off of to feet . So as long as this site doesn't focus only on Anatomy, it's fine for me.

MEMBER-11273 2292天前

Wonderful ! I propose a Gyno Comparison with the duo Charlotte and Adelle ;)

MEMBER-7112 2292天前

The discussion on taste never ends. Porn field is wide from just pussy, big tits, feet, BDSM, fetish etc. The pussy cam is just one of them. Our PJG is special for gaping omanko. So I think pussy cam is within our field. But to see fallopian tubes and ovaries are not our taste.

MEMBER-9201 2292天前

Pussy cam works when the girl flirts with the pussy cam.

I think that the RAW pussy cam videos might work better in Main Section because so many loyal members don't feel pussy cam is a bonus at all and, persumably, a lot of potensial pussy cam enthusiasts would never dream about sticking around for three months to watch a video.

Perhaps you can try to upload the next raw pussy cam to the Main Section to see how the reception is there?

MEMBER-11529 2169天前

omanko sounds lame. Cunt sounds so much better!

ADMIN 2168天前

Omanko is a specific word in Japanese and many customers think it's adorable and they are using it too now.

I prefer the word "pussy" but I'm not a native English speaker...

MEMBER-24298 462天前

Outstanding close up views of Adelle's cervix. Pretty nice




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