In the middle of the fields - intro photo


Vany Ully has such a splendid bottom half.

Whether she is bending over in your face, or squatting and pulling her pussy open, Vany has got it down. Her legs and ass are so proportionally sexy, you will be excited when she pulls up her dress to get going on a classic pussy gaping show. Vany Ully is outside on a cloudy day by a car. A fly ends up being a prop in this video as it zips in to enjoy the pussy. Vany really gets some nice spreads here, with a prominent PJ tongue and bottom pussy wall.

相应的美图资源如下: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELDS - 2018年9月8日.


时长: 11:29



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 厚重



MEMBER-7839 2342天前

VANY ULLYs pussy is really nice, but the most interesting in this video was the stubborn fly, which "lick" her vagina wall!! I still want to see a pussy cam inside her, exploring her wonderful menstrual blood's dripping cervix, watch the video on August 6, 2018.

MEMBER-7839 2342天前

10:06 the Fly started work in her lovely vagina wall!

MEMBER-10914 2342天前

The fly in her cunt is so very funny. I think the little fly likes the smell and taste of Vany's love-cave.

MEMBER-7112 2342天前

Vany's omanko is rather small but inside roe eggs are nice. And she has spike PJTongue. Although, the omanko hole itself is dark and deep. Nothing can be seen. Jiri and ADMIN, why don't they plorapse thier omankos pushing out to show sexy meat explosion?

ADMIN 2342天前

Eagerbeaver, how am I supposed to know the answer? :-)

But regarding the prolapse... I actually had a discussion with Jiri about it recently, he said that it's rare and often caused by medical issues. Not a pleasant and comfortable and easy thing to do. I believe Ally Style was good at doing it but in her case it was really a medical issue.

MEMBER-9201 2342天前

It’s now been over a month since the last pussy cam update. Hopefully a new will follow soon.

MEMBER-5958 2342天前

I love outdoor sets. Nothing is more erotic than the girls showing what goods nature gave them. I can completely understand that this fly wanted to crawl around in Vany's Fotzenloch. I would love to do it myself. Extended frontal views as I like them.

MEMBER-6770 2341天前

Beautiful Girl. Perfect video. It gives new meaning to being a "Fly on the Wall"

MEMBER-11953 2200天前

Lovely girl, delicious cunt.

MEMBER-12736 2091天前

PJG’s videos are extraordinary!! But, technically, I wonder why in the sequence so many cuts are used. Another thing I don’t understand – the only thing I don’t like - is why medium shots are too often followed by extreme closeups instead of leaning-in towards the point of interest ending then in closeups?

ADMIN 2090天前

I can't speak on behalf of Jiri but I can imagine the cuts (and also the changes between medium and extreme closeups) are there simply because it takes too much time (= two, three minutes) to change the girl's position, change manual focus, adjust lights etc. It's pointless to include these minutes in the footage. The The video lasts 17 minutes but it may take for example 30-45 minutes to film it.

MEMBER-12736 2089天前

Thank you Admin. I understand your point. But it seems to me that the reasons given make it more difficult than it really is. After all it would be just to make some moving forward with the camera. Fewer cuts would make shootings less static. In any case, it is certainly also a matter of taste and style.

ADMIN 2089天前

I'm sure it's mainly the focus that must be absolutely spot-on because it's manual, of course. I can't speak on behalf of Jiri and to be honest I've never been present at any shooting but I remember this question was raised before and Jiri explained to me the issues with changing the position/angle. I'm sure he would also be much happier if it was just a matter of seconds and he wouldn't have to stay in the apartment until midnight :-)

Perhaps one day he will film an uncut bonus movie that will last an hour but it would probably ruin the dreams of many members who know porn shooting only in theory :-)

MEMBER-12736 2089天前

Ok, then please tell this Jiri what I told you about making the thing more difficult than it is.
One more thing. I disagree with previous comments about it: that fly in that place is really disgusting. That would have been a sequence to cut! ;)

MEMBER-11529 2054天前

LOL I swear she got fucked by the fly! If you look really closely you can see its little fly cock pushing into her cunt wall. Can you check if she got pregnant or something???

MEMBER-13258 2013天前

I like a fly there I find it sexy actually - MORE FLIES PLEASE!!!




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