Steel Pleasure - intro photo


Vanda has 38 videos with us. We have seen her gaping other women, we have seen her gape herself. We have seen her come. And we still get to see more and more.

Vanda has those nice assets that keep your eyes interested. She has a great ass and pussy combination. The lingerie makes it all so much sexier too, especially in black. She has some sexy looking red lipstick, which looks nice with her dark hair.

Before she gets her pussy gaping open with the speculum, she gets it open with her fingers. She has been doing this for a while, and you can expect some top quality action here. When the speculum does go in, you get quite a unique look, and a great show of sexy moves, and actions. She wiggles her bottom half around right before your eyes. The speculum is upside down, and so the spoon part of it is up in the top part of her pussy. Instead of seeing her peehole and cervix, we get the clearest view of the bottom half of her pussy. This is quite different than what you would normally see, and different is good. This is how we can bring a model back so many times, and keep things fresh.

相应的美图资源如下: STEEL PLEASURE - 2018年8月30日.


时长: 19:21



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MEMBER-9201 2368天前

Best use ever of this speculum!

MEMBER-10920 2368天前

very exciting, up to the point unnatural medical devices are used.

sorry, but anything other than fingers is a turn-off.

MEMBER-9305 2368天前

We seem to go through this on every speculum video. If you don't like it move on and wait for a video you do like. Some of us enjoy this type of content. Not everything is going to be to your specific taste.

MEMBER-10774 2368天前

Speculum and cervix display is my cup of tea, I said it before I say it now: " I would pay more money (the double for starters) if speculum sets were the norm."

MEMBER-8185 2368天前

Vanda always delivers, good pictures babe!

MEMBER-7839 2368天前

I love seeing detailed views on our wonderful women's wonderful cervix. I wish every model has a video where Speculum was used to see the vagina wall and her cute cervix. Then more specilum movies !!

MEMBER-5958 2368天前

Nice to see Mr. Guttman in action again. Although it has been inserted upside down. The blade should point to the anus so the arms of this type of speculum can expose the girl's pee hole.

But then again it is hot to see that Vanda can pull it out fully open. Nice views inside!

ADMIN 2368天前

clitclicker - the speculum position is intentional for several reasons, some of them being:
- she can play with it
- she can hold it (so that it doesn't slip out of the pussy)
- she can sit comfortably

Perhaps next time the cameraman will position it the other way but we will lose the three advantages above :-)

MEMBER-7112 2368天前

I see several opinions which I also agree and also feel that many want the speculum. Any way, this video is good and I agree with CLITLICKER that the blade should be down to show her pee hole. I also want the tool should be expanded for showing the omanko wall much more to the max just before the model can't expand it any more as she feels pain. On this video, we can see the slide slit on the handle rail which has more space to to slide the expand arms for max expansion. How do you feel, guys? :)

I read ADMIN comment just after I wrote above. I understand the three advantages and as PJG policy, to respect model comfort is important. My opinion above might be rather radical but might someone agree. The point is the CS, customer satisfaction vs. model's comfort. This discussion has very difficult border line where to be set.

MEMBER-5958 2368天前

Repositioning the speculum during the clip would be an option.
But the girls feeling comfortable during posing is most important, no pain to be felt when exposing the Fotzenloch.

MEMBER-7839 2368天前

I really agree with CLITLICKER that it must be wonderful, gentle and restful (it takes hours to create these nice videos) for our amazing women when they show off their most holy, and with the finest close-ups, at different angles, of their vagina the beauty of the walls and cervix amazing creation. This is what, in turn, is PJGIRLS for me and its enjoyment! I love this video with Vanda so much, see it again and again ...

MEMBER-10670 2365天前

Ein extrem schönes neues Video, wo unser Model Vanda sofort keine Furcht hat ihren komplett nackten Körper und ihre weit gespreizte Scheide direkt vor der Kamera allen zu zeigen. Mit diesem tollen Speculum wird ihre süße Scheide wieder extrem weit gespreizt und wir erhalten wieder ganz tiefe Einblicke womit uns absolut alles Innere der Scheide gezeigt wird. Am Anfang fehlt ihr Gebärmutterhals noch aber als Sie sich im Doggy-Style positioniert können wir auch ihre Gebärmutter bewundern. Wir erhalten wieder schönste Bilder von ihrer weit geöffneten Scheide und können nun auch ihre Gebärmutter als allernächste Nähe, ganz tief in ihrer Scheide, erforschen. Großen Respekt an alle Models die uns allen ihre Scheiden extrem weit spreizen und keine Furcht haben uns ihre Gebärmutter ganz deutlich zu präsentieren.

MEMBER-5958 2359天前

Ja, ganz großen Respekt an alle Mädchen und Frauen die uns so tief in ihre Scheiden schauen lassen. Ihr seid wundervoll!

MEMBER-13704 1952天前

Dieses induviduelle Spekulem aus Stahl macht auch hier wieder alles möglich was man sich eigentlich einfach nur alles erträumen kann.
Nachdem Sie sich von ihrer Unterwäsche getrennt hat zeigt Sie uns alles was ihrem intimen Bereich auch nur zu sehen ist. Ihre Scheide ist so weit gespreizt dass die Kamera fast in diesem pinkten Loch versinken kann. Allertiefste Einblicke durch ihre pinken Welten, bis ganz hinein zu auch diesem so süßen Gebärmutterhals.

Danke an alle Models, die ohne Hemmungen absolut alles von ihrer Scheide vor der Kamera zeigen.




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